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Article 19 The local people's government at various levels shall organize competent authorities to establish a forest protection organization to take charge of the work of forest protection; add forest protection facilities and enhance forest protection i

Article 19 The State provides guidance to construction of different categories of civil air defense works in accordance with the different requirements of protection. 第十九条国家对人民防空工程建设,按照不同的防护要求,实行分类指导。
Article 19 The competent department concerned under the State Council shall, pursuant to the standards for boiler soot discharge prescribed by the State, stipulate corresponding requirements in the boiler quality standards; boilers that do not meet the pr 第十九条国务院有关主管部门应当根据国家规定的锅炉烟尘排放标准,在锅炉产品质量标准中规定相应的要求;达不到规定要求的锅炉,不得制造、销售或者进口。
Article 19 The ferries, bridges or tunnels of urban roads which abut two administrative districts shall be managed jointly by both competent authorities or by one of them as designated by the superior authorities. 第19条(跨行政区渡口桥梁等之管理)市区道路之渡口、桥梁、隧道、跨越两个行政区域时,由双方主管机关协商共同管理,或由上级主管机关指定一方管理之。
Article 19 The investment or cooperation input contributed by each party shall be the property or property right under its ownership, and shall not be mortgaged or set as any other from of guarantee. 第十九条合作各方应当以其自有的财产或者财产权利作为投资或者合作条件,对该投资或者合作条件不得设置抵押权或者其他形式的担保。
Article 19 The lead arranger shall conduct due diligence on the borrower or the finance project before the advance of the loan in accordance with the requirements under the Guidelines on Commercial Banks' Due Diligence in the Credit Granting to Small Ente 第十九条牵头行应按照《商业银行授信工作尽职指引》的要求,对借款人或贷款项目进行贷前尽职调查,并在此基础上与借款人进行前期谈判,商谈贷款的用途、额度、利率、期限、担保形式、提款条件、还款方式和相关费用等,并据此编制银团贷款信息备忘录。
Article 19 The local people's government at various levels shall organize competent authorities to establish a forest protection organization to take charge of the work of forest protection; add forest protection facilities and enhance forest protection i 第十九条地方各级人民政府应当组织有关部门建立护林组织,负责护林工作;根据实际需要在大面积林区增加护林设施,加强森林保护;督促有林的和林区的基层单位,订立护林公约,组织群众护林,划定护林责任区,配备专职或者兼职护林员。
Article 19 The local people's governments at various levels shall adopt measures to maintain normal order in the mining areas of State-owned mining enterprises and other mining enterprises within their respective administrative areas. 第十九条地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,维护本行政区域内的国有矿山企业和其他矿山企业矿区范围内的正常秩序。
Article 19 The parent or other guardian of a minor shall not let the minor under the age of 16 out of his guardianship and live alone. 第十九条未成年人的父母或者其他监护人,不得让不满十六周岁的未成年人脱离监护单独居住。
Article 19 The quality of fire control products must conform to the state standards or industrial standards. 第十九条消防产品的质量必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。
Article 19 The so-said “also applicable” in Paragraph 2, Article 11 of the Act means that, for the new towns approved by the Executive Yuan before the Act is enforced, the exemption of inhertance tax and gifts tax is also applicable to land transfer cause 第19条本条例第十一条第二项所定亦适用之,指本条例公布施行前经行政院核定开发之新市镇,于经行政院核定应实施区段徵收或特定区计画确定应实施区段徵收之日起,至实施区段徵收发还抵价地五年内,应实施区段徵收範围内之土地,因继承或配偶、直系血亲间之赠与而移转者,亦适用同条第一项之规定,免徵遗产税或赠与税。
Article 19 The term cables, as used in these Provisions, refers to communications cables and electric cables; the term pipelinesrefers to the pipe-shaped conveying and transporting installations used for conveyance of water, gas, oil and other substances. 第十九条本规定中的“电缆”系指通信电缆及电力电缆;“管道”系指输水、输气、输油及输送其他物质的管状输送设施。

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