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According to metaphysical tradition, the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and left Earthly incarnation under the Full Moon of Taurus.

According to mature design logos, cover and text of every issue are well designed. Its excellent quality is from the outside to the inside. 《轨道交通》依成熟的设计理念精心设计每期封面与内文,品质由表及里。
According to media reports, increasing numbers of disenchanted office workers are leaving their jobs to wrestle with incontinent pipework. 根据媒体报道,有越来越多心灰意冷的办公室工作人员正抛弃自己的职业,撸起袖管给水管抢险。
According to media reports, most local analysts feel the market's bull run remains intact, although a period of consolidation now looks likely. 据媒体报道,多数本土分析师认为,市场的牛市行情没有改变,不过现在可能会出现一段时间的盘整。
According to medical opinions, if someone absorbs energy more than wastage of the body, maybe this redundant energy will transform to fat to deposited in the body. 医学认为,如果一个人每天摄入食物中所含的能量大于机体的消耗量,多余的这部分能量就可能会以脂肪的形式储存在体内,久而久之,这个人的体重就可能超过正常的体重标准。
According to mend and predigest the Bertrand model, we introduce the learning effect and the Spillover into the profit function. 摘要通过在伯川德模型利润函数中引入学习影响、溢出因子等,实现了该模型的改进和简化。
According to metaphysical tradition, the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and left Earthly incarnation under the Full Moon of Taurus. 依照形而上学的传统,佛陀诞生了,获得了启迪,在满月的金牛座下离开了现世的化身。
According to mineralization characteristic in ore-hosted strata, it is suffered from four stages structural rework., and its reason is discussed in this paper. 根据含矿岩系中的矿化特征,认为含矿岩系主要遭受了4个构造期次的构造变形,并探讨其构造成因。
According to minimum zone condition, mathematical model of spatial straightness together with the optimal objective function is set up. 根据最小区域条件,建立了空间直线的数学模型以及优化目标函数。
According to molecular theory,all matter is made up of small particles called molecules. 根据分子理论,一切物质都是由叫做分子的小粒子组成的。
According to morphology, anatomy, taxonomy and the TCM theory, they are researched that the origin, morphological characters, distribution and clinical uses of the medicinal plants. 内容主要涉及植物形态学、植物解剖学、植物分类学理论知识,以及常见药用植物种类的原植物来源、形态学特征、产地、药用部位及功效的介绍。
According to most theories, the prevailing forces in the Sicilian crust are similar to those in rift zones—extensional stresses that cause thinning of the crust and upwelling of the underlying mantle. 根据大多数的理论,西西里岛所在的地壳,主要遭受到的应力与张裂带类似:张力使地壳变薄、下方地函上涌。

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