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A fish hook has a barb to prevent the fish from escaping after being hooked.
鱼钩上都有一个倒钩以 防上了钩的鱼逃走.

A first situation in which you should recreate your impostor texture is if the screen-space bounding rectangle changes size. 第一种情形是当你屏幕空间的包围矩形改变大小的时候,需要重新创建视点替用特效纹理。
A first-rate journalist,he has a wide range of knowledge. 他是一流记者,有广播的知识.
A fiscal policy of incurring budget deficits to stimulate a weak economy. 为刺激贫弱经济而引起预算赤字的财政政策
A fish breathes through its gills. 鱼通过鳃呼吸。
A fish dealer named Tsai, who has been going crazy lately as the wholesale price of milkfish has plummeted to about NT$28, says with exasperation: Milkfish used to be a very expensive item, which people only got when recovering from an operation or after 最近为了虱目鱼的批价一斤已经降到二十八元左右的成本价而伤透脑筋的蔡姓业者感慨地表示:「过去虱目鱼是很高贵的东西,开刀和坐月子的人才吃的。
A fish hook has a barb to prevent the fish from escaping after being hooked. 鱼钩上都有一个倒钩以 防上了钩的鱼逃走.
A fish in the lake thinks, If that fly dropped 6 inches I'd get it! 湖里的一条鱼想:如果那只苍蝇再飞低6英寸的话,我就可以逮了它!
A fish swim so light,swim into the heart of the hedgehog,broken the dream of the aquatic. 一条鱼静静地游过来,游到了刺猬的心中,揉碎了水草里的梦。
A fish tail lamp:proof of what Syman Rapongan has gained back in his tribal village. 夏曼.蓝波安的收获证明之一--用各种鱼尾巴做成的灯饰。
A fish tape is really a godsend for a wiring project, if you already have finished walls in your home. 一条鱼磁带实在是一个天赐良机,为一个配线工程,如果你已经完成了围墙,你的家.
A fishbone got stuck in his throat, and after a long wrestle, he managed to swallow it down. 一根鱼骨鲠在他喉咙里,他挣扎了许久,总算把它嚥下去了。

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