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As the unit of analysis at hospital level, quantitative survey was used to collect primary data. 100 valid samples were gathered including medical centers, regional hospitals, and district hospitals.

As the two researchers report in the latest edition of Nature Neuroscience, diffusion-tensor imaging did, indeed, show strong connections between these two areas in the brains of the synaesthetes when they slid into the scanner and viewed colour-evoking l 根据这两位研究人员在最新一期《自然神经学》上发表的文章看,当联觉人由字母或数字联想到色彩时,通过大脑扫描可以看到,联觉者大脑中的这两个区域确实会产生紧密的连通性。
As the two sides of a coin, there is treasure, there is rubbish. We should not lose sight of the fact that it will bring about some bad consequences. 正如一个硬币的两面,这既有优点,也存在缺陷。我们不能忽略这样的事实:它将导致一些不利的后果。
As the type of companies changes, the offerings themselves are likely to receive more scrutiny. 对于此类公司而言,上市的资格审查将更严格。
As the unceasing development of social economy, we should pay more attention to the spiritual demand while caring about the maintenance of peasant laborers' economical rights and interests. 摘要随着社会经济的不断发展,在关心农民工经济权益维护的同时,我们应审时度势,关注其精神需求。
As the underlying economic fundamentals continue to improve and stock valuations remain reasonable, any major correction would be a good buying opportunity. 既然经济基本面持续改善而且股票估值仍然合理,任何一次大的调整都将是买入良机。
As the unit of analysis at hospital level, quantitative survey was used to collect primary data. 100 valid samples were gathered including medical centers, regional hospitals, and district hospitals. 实证结果显示,当医院面临市场及医疗技术设备的快速变化时,就竞争策略而言差异化策略比低成本策略较能创造高绩效。
As the upcoming battle leads to an inevitable victory, Markal is content to wait. 由于接下来的战斗将是取得最终胜利的大决战,马卡尔愿意耐心等待时机。
As the urban districts are overcrowded, you can hardly find a parking lot. 由于城市人口拥挤,你很难找到停车场。
As the urban population expanded, people were made to live in apartments in high buildings rather than a house. 由于城市人口的增长,人们不得不离开独门独院,住进高楼大厦的公寓里。
As the user moves off center, the signal fades, just as the light from a flashlight gets dimmer as you step away from the direction in which it is pointed. 当用户离开波束中央时,讯号会跟著变弱,就好像你离开手电筒指的方向,也会觉得光线变弱一样。
As the value of this order is rather small, we hope you will agree to payment by mail transfer after receipt of the documents. 由于此订单的金额甚小,我们希望你方能同意在收到单据后邮汇支付。

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