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Almost all have been settled, with the notable exceptions of those with Japan at sea and India in the Himalayas.

Almost all arsenic is removed as water passes through two containers. 砷是一种元素,它可以从土壤和岩石中地入地下水中。
Almost all business/shops in New Zealand have this facility. 差不多所有的新西兰的商店都有这个设备。
Almost all dogs are infected at birth. 几乎所有的狗在出生的时候都是感染的。
Almost all government adopt totalitarian measures in time of war. 几乎所有的政府在战时都采取极权主义的措施。
Almost all groups of life that have been studied—be they fungi, plants, vertebrates or invertebrates, and no matter whether they occur in forests, streams or seas—seem to have more species the closer they are to the equator. 生物界中,几乎所有研究过的类群——无论是真菌、植物、脊椎动物还是无脊椎动物,也无论生活在森林、河流或海洋中——似乎越靠近赤道物种数就越多。
Almost all have been settled, with the notable exceptions of those with Japan at sea and India in the Himalayas. 现在除了与日本在海上、与印度在喜马拉雅山脉的显著争端之外,几乎都已解决。
Almost all industrialized countries have banned CFC's from their products. 几乎所有的工业化国家都已经在产品中禁止CFC了。
Almost all insects have feelers. 昆虫几乎都有触角。
Almost all links to other sites, to internal Web pages, and to internal multimedia resources work properly. 几乎所有连到其他网站、到内部网页、以及到内部多媒体资源的超连结都正常作用。
Almost all of the 1,600 Chinese peacekeepers deployed (including in Lebanon, Congo and Liberia) are engineers, transport troops or medical staff. 中国维和部队被派往的地区包括黎巴嫩、刚果和利比亚,维和人员总共1600人,他们都是工程师,通信兵和医护人员。
Almost all of the missions grew grapes and produced wine. 几乎所有的布道团都种植葡萄树和生产葡萄酒。

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