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But as a result of the present mining area environment law system and the imperfect legal regime imperfect, the law obtains the effective implementation with difficulty, therefore, the mining area environment question is extremely serious.

But as a fellow Idolwatcher, she doesn't mind the misdials. 但作为美国偶像的一名忠实观众,她对此并不介意。
But as a general rule the process of evaluating a trade as I've described should not be short cut. 只要人人能参与,并利用我们今天所谈的一些概念,外汇交易可以成为个人或机构交易员的成功事业。
But as a matter of fact they got married a year later. 事实上一年后他们却结了婚。
But as a metaphor for the industry, the roller coaster is all wrong. 然而,作为一个产业,把云霄飞车视为主题乐园的象征是彻头彻尾的错误。
But as a result of the engineering factor limit, the system does not support the digital television the broadcast. 但由于技术条件的限制,系统并不支持数字电视的广播。
But as a result of the present mining area environment law system and the imperfect legal regime imperfect, the law obtains the effective implementation with difficulty, therefore, the mining area environment question is extremely serious. 但是由于现行的矿区环境法律体制不健全,法律制度不完善,法律难以得到有效的实施,矿区环境问题十分严重。
But as a rule, we don't cover them unless you want to. 不过,按照惯例,除非你方要求,否则我方是不投保这些险种的。
But as a saint of our times has said, every day we are called to do small things with great love. 但是,正如我们时代的一位圣人所言,每一天我们都被召唤带着挚爱去做一些小事情。
But as a sinker specialist, he tries to induce contact, and when his sinker stays up, he is hit often. 但是这位伸卡球专家他总是引诱对手打击,当他的伸卡球没有往下掉的话,常会被扎实的击中。
But as a train approached, the student began to seize again, and Autrey jumped on top, pushing him into a foot-deep trough between the tracks and covering his body with his own. 但火车疾驰而至,学生病情再度发作,欧特里跳到他身上,把他推到铁轨间一呎深的沟槽中,并用自己的身体覆盖住他的身体。
But as a wife that committeth adultery, which taketh strangers instead of her husband! 结16:32哎、你这行淫的妻阿、宁肯接外人不接丈夫。

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