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The UV erythema is an inflammation model in which the inhibition of skin reddening by pharmaceutical agents is assessed as a parameter for their anti-inflammatory effect.

The USAF radar reports then ceased Jan. 11, but then appeared for a day showing signs of orbital distress. 美国空军雷达的报告在1月11号中止了,但是有一天报告显示有“轨道灾难的迹象”。
The USGA only requires that the golfball's dimple pattern be spherically symmetric. 美国高尔夫球协会只要求高尔夫球酒窝式样必须是球面对称的。
The USS Oriskany is now at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. 美国海军航空母舰欧立斯康尼号现在位于墨西哥海湾的底部。
The UTC() method takes a date and returns the number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970 according to universal time. 方法可以得到一个日期并根据国际时间返回相差1970年1月1号有多少毫秒。
The UV cell is used to measure the curving behavior of materials that are sensitive to UV light, e.g. printing inks, powder coatings or dental fillings. UV元件用于测量对紫外光敏感的材料的弯曲行为,如印刷油墨、粉状涂料或牙医补牙用的药膏。
The UV erythema is an inflammation model in which the inhibition of skin reddening by pharmaceutical agents is assessed as a parameter for their anti-inflammatory effect. 紫外线红斑是一炎症模型,而药物制剂对于其皮肤充血的抑制则作为观测抗炎作用的参数。
The UV light source can be triggered automatically by the rheometer software during the measurement. 紫外光源在测量过程可通过流变软件实现自动激活。
The Ugandan army's announcement that it has killed General Raska Lukwiya, one of the LRA's senior commanders cast further doubt on northern Uganda's troubled peace process. 乌干达军方关于已将乌干达反叛组织的高级指挥官拉斯卡?路克维亚将军射杀的声明将为乌干达北部充满挫折的和平进程又凭添疑虑。
The Ugandan born midfielder holds a German passport, and had a previous spell with 1860 Munich. 这名出生在乌干达的中场拥有德国护照,曾在慕尼黑1860效力.
The Ugandans were to have been backed up by other African forces but none has shown up. 乌干达预料将会得到其它非洲军队的支援,可遗憾的是,没有任何国家的军队在维和中露面。
The Uigurs apricot farmers traditionally water the apricot with snow-melted water from the Tianshan Mountain, and use organic fertilizers. 维吾尔杏农自古以来采用天山雪水浇灌杏树,林果作物常年施用有机肥料。

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