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A giant water slide is also part of the course, but not the sort you would find in a pleasure park.

A giant panda cub put on quite a show for her media debut. 一只熊猫宝宝在媒体镜头前展现了她的处女秀。
A giant panda has been getting a lot of attention in China this past week. 上星期有只大熊猫在中国受到高度瞩目。
A giant photograph of the actor hang in the foyer of the theatre. 那位演员的巨幅照片挂在剧场的休息室里。
A giant photograph of the actor hangs in the foyer of the theatre. 那位演员的巨幅照片挂在剧场的休息室里。
A giant tower will be built on the waterfront at Macao at a very fast pace in time for the December 1999 celebrations marking the Portuguese enclave's handover to China. 一座巨大的新塔将在澳门港口附近落成,以便能赶上参加1999年12月澳门回归中国的庆典.
A giant water slide is also part of the course, but not the sort you would find in a pleasure park. 挑战一座巨大的水滑坡也是比赛项目之一,但你在这里可找不到游乐场里的乐趣。
A gibbon is better adapted than a man for life in a low gravitational force. 长臂猿比人更能适应在低重力场中生活。
A giddy climb to the topmast. 到船中桅的令人头晕的攀登
A gift contract is a contract whereby the donor conveys his property to the donee without reward and the donee manifests his acceptance of the gift. 第一百八十五条赠与合同是赠与人将自己的财产无偿给予受赠人,受赠人表示接受赠与的合同。
A gift in secret subdues anger, And a bribe in the bosom, strong wrath. 箴21:14暗中送的礼物、挽回怒气.怀中搋的贿赂、止息暴怒。
A gift may be subject to obligations. 第一百九十条赠与可以附义务。

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