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Abstract:Cognitive radio is a wireless communications technology that is self-adaptive to environment and is based on the software defined radio.

Abstract: “High pressure oil shock” has been found to be the major source of shock noises in the rotary piston vacuum pumps.Recently,we found that the oil shock may shift forward.Here,the high pressure oil-shock and the formation mechanism of three other 文摘:“高速油液冲击”是滑阀真空泵冲击噪声的主要激励源,通过试验发现了这一冲击的前移现象,并进一步分析了高速油液冲击和其他三种冲击的形式,为降低滑阀真空泵噪声提供了可靠的依据。
Abstract: 【Objective】 In order to analyse the stress distribution of the mandibular full overdenture supported by implants with magnetic attachments. 【Method】 Two dimensional photoelastic stress analysis were used in this study. 文摘:【目的】了解磁性固位的下颌种植覆盖义齿的应力状况及其分布规律,为磁性固位体的临床应用提供生物力学依据。
Abstract:Based on a case study which samples the staff congress of a state-owned enterprise, this paper analyzes the re-organization of social benefit structure and its impact on social participation. 作者通过一个国有企业的职代会案例,分析了社会利益组织化结构以及在此基础上形成的现实社会参与特征。
Abstract:Based on his observation and experience in Chinese and Western academic communities, the author concretely introduces and discusses the general practice of academic development in American universities. 作者根据对中西学术界的观察和亲身体验,通过对美国大学办学的一些具体政策的介绍和讨论,指出严格的研究生训练、公平的教授招聘以及透明的晋升制度对于保持学术高水准是相当重要的。
Abstract:By using of instance,this paper gives C program about animal selection by the principle of normal distribution,Provides convenience for practice selection. 摘要本文仅从实用角度出发,通过应用示例给出根据正态分布原理进行家畜数量性状选择的C语言程序,为实际选种提供方便。
Abstract:Cognitive radio is a wireless communications technology that is self-adaptive to environment and is based on the software defined radio. 摘要:认知无线电是在软件无线电的基础上发展而来的能够自适应外界环境变化的无线通信技术。
Abstract:In our country,it has come to be an inevitable trend to promote the quality of teaching with full use of various modern educational technologies.In recent years,multimedia technology is increasingly applied in teaching and the technology gets mor 摘要:充分利用各种现代教育技术,提高教学质量是当前我国教育改革发展的必然趋势.近年来,多媒体技术运用日益增多,日趋成熟,在生物教学上的运用更加显著,使课堂质量收到明显的提高.本文就多媒体在生物课教学中的运用,论述其的优势及其应注意的问题.
Abstract:In the paper, the relationship between genetic analysis of Fungi and genetic analysis of high animal and plant was discussed.A good results were obtained when we adopted this method in the teaching. 摘要本文以认知结构理论为指导,讨论了真菌类遗传分析与高等动植物遗传分析的内在联系,认为利用这种内在联系进行教学可收到好的效果并说明了作者的具体教学过程。
Abstract:In this paper,Triple Test Cross Design was used in studing the resistance of soybean to 10 physiological race of Cercospora Sojina Haraby inoculation.Results o analysis of gene effects of resistance indicated that additive effect is significant i 摘要本实验利用三点测交分析的方法,对3个组合在人工接种大豆灰斑病菌的条件下的抗性表现进行基因效应分析,各组合均存在加性,组合1存在显性,组合2、3存在上位性。
Abstract:In view of the disadvantages of the commonly used prophylactic repair mode for such power equipments as generators and transformers, the significance of developing state monitoring and fault diagnosis technique is analyzed, and the stateofthea 摘要:针对发电机、变压器类电力设备普遍采用的预防性定期检修方式所存在的弊端,分析了发展状态监测和故障诊断技术的意义,并对该技术在国内外的发展现状和存在问题进行了介绍。
Abstract:Need to treat distimctively for dissimilarty circs about the rural highway's design. 摘要:山区公路的超高设计有必要针对具体的情况区别处理。

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