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Progress in molecular mechanism of cytoplasmic male sterility and fertility restoration in plant 植物胞质雄性不育及育性恢复的分子机制研究进展(综述)
Analysis of Influence Factors of Heavy Metal’s Toxicity 重金属毒性的影响因素分析
Researches on the Physicochemical Properties and Hemostatic Effect of Shuning Absorbable Hemostasis Material 舒宁可吸收性止血材料理化性能及止血性能研究
A Serum Marker of Spermatogenesis -Inhibin B 精子发生的血清标志物——抑制素-B
Callus Suspension Culture of Ginkgo and the Content of Flavonoid Compounds in the Calli 银杏细胞悬浮培养及其黄酮类物质生产
.NULL. 线粒体在细胞凋亡中的作用研究进展
The Effects of Paddy-upland Rotation on Microorganisms of Soil (the Third Year) 稻田水旱轮作(第3年度)的土壤微生物效应
Genetic Polymorphism of Hordein in Wild Relatives of Barley from China 中国近缘野生大麦醇溶蛋白的遗传多态性研究
Selection systems used in plants transgenic 植物转基因中应用的筛选体系
Advances in Techniques for DNA Molecular Markers and Their Applications in Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Trees DNA分子标记技术及其在热带亚热带果树上的应用
Research Advances on DNA Molecular Markers of Stone Fruit Trees 核果类果树DNA分子标记研究进展

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