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This system has resolved the problems of current missile aiming equipment such as low automatization, single function, huge volume, complex operation and so on.

This system has a valuable reference to the evaluation of military medical measurement. 该计量评价指标体系对分析与评价军事医学计量工作的效用具有一定的参考价值。
This system has been the bane of many a tactician's life and is the key reason for the second season slump. 这种打法是终结许多战术家生命的毒药,也是第二个赛季大溃败的关键因素。
This system has been widely applied in major risk declaration and registration in Jiangsu province, Shandong province and Hebei province etc with good effectiveness. 该信息系统已经在江苏、山东、河北等省重大危险源监控网络系统建设试点中得到了广泛应用,提高了重大危险源监管水平,取得了良好的效果。
This system has four modules: data management, data pretreatment, plant diseases and insect pests diagnose and forecast, forecasting-modal management. 该系统集成多种诊断和预测方法,由数据管理、分析预处理、病虫害诊断/预测、预测模型管理四大功能模块组成。
This system has its unique features, that is, powdery machine is the core, and students should strengthen their abilities in machine manufacture and machine innovation. 通过专业实验教学课程体系的改革,专业实验课程体系突出了学校本专业的培养特色,即以粉体机械为主线,加强机械加工和机械创新能力的培养。
This system has resolved the problems of current missile aiming equipment such as low automatization, single function, huge volume, complex operation and so on. 解决了现有导弹瞄准设备检定系统存在的自动化程度低、设备功能单一、体积庞大、操作复杂等问题。
This system has small volume, excellent stability, is suitable in the acme communications system and the precise precision instrument as well as the high frequency wireless transmission system and so on. 该系统体积小、稳定性好、精度高,适用于尖端的通信系统和精密的高精度仪器以及高频无线传输系统等。
This system implements the automatic verification, shortens the time of verification and has an important signification to the accurate launch of missile. 该系统实现了导弹瞄准设备的自动化检定,缩短了检定时间,对导弹精确发射具有重大意义。
This system includes fuel oil tank, fuel oil pump, fuel oil hand pump, auxiliary engine daily service tank, piping and valves. 本系统由燃油舱、燃油驳运泵、燃油手摇泵、辅机日用油柜、管路及阀件等组成.
This system incorporates the functions of control, communication and can implement the announces of start-up and shutdown, failure warming, protective shutoff indications of failure modes when accidents happen to belt conveyor, so as to ensure the safety 该系统集控制、通讯及保护于一体,可实现起动、停车的预报及故障报警,可对输送机发生的跑偏、打滑、温度、烟雾、堆煤、撕带等故障进行保护性停车,并指示相应故障的类型,能保证胶带运输系统安全高效地运行。
This system indicates digital voice technique having walked out of laboratory and provides experiment basis for research of computer voice instruction system. 该系统标志着数字语音技术已经走出了研究实验室,它为计算机语音指令系统的研究提供了实验依据。

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