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) managed to make a long hard shoot feel like a vacation.

) get to explain the basis for the term Engineered Negligible Senescence. 要解释“掌控可忽略衰老”的基础。
) including computer scientist Tony DeRose. 包括计算机科学家托尼.得罗斯在内。
) it might be a good idea for you to pick up on it . 它可能是你捡起(学习)口琴的一个好的办法。
) jumping on a big trampoline, rollerblading, swimming, or running all get your heart pumping. ,在蹦蹦床上跳跃,滑旱冰,游泳,或者跑步,这些都能让你的心脏砰砰跳。
) make sure your skirt hem falls at the most flattering part of your leg. 那么请务必让裙边落在最能显示你双腿魅力的部位。
) managed to make a long hard shoot feel like a vacation. )一起度过了一个像假期一样漫长艰苦的摄影工作.
) or relax the rule about every word having to have at least one vowel in it. ,或者放宽每个英文单词中必须包含至少一个元音的语音规则。
) or what differences this character's fighting style has from traditional/classical Monkey Style kung fu. 还有,这次的武打和传统的猴拳风格有何不同?
) or what issues affect the application or relevance of damping factor. 这个概念没有航天科技那么深奥,但也不是几秒钟内就可以解释清楚的事情。
) so now I know where all my strawberries went - the serpent in the garden of Eden! ,我知道我的草莓在哪里——蛇会跟着,伊甸园的大毒蛇!
) speed of a late-model Ford Anglia), Norfolk is much too far east of any reasonable course for Scotland—after passing the north Norfolk coast, they would see nothing else until they reached the Norwegian coast 800 miles away. )),但诺福克在去苏格兰的任何一条合理路线的东边,距离都太远——在经过诺福克北部海岸之后,他们就什么见不到了,直到他们到达800英里外的挪威海岸。

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