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A can of tuna fish a loaf of white bread, and a head of lettuce.

A camp is an area in the wildness, usually set up by human to stay for an evening or an extended period time. 露营地通常指人们为了在野外度过一晚或更长一段时间而拾建的地方。
A campaign that promotes ecology and fights pollution. 改善生态,治理污染的运动。
A campaign worker, a native Virginia, is an Indian descent. 这位竞选助手是弗吉尼亚人,有印第安血统。
A camshaft driven by a chain or belt turns in the same direction as the crankshaft. 凸轮轴被链或者带驱动,使其朝着曲轴相同的方向转动。
A can for oil, especially a can with a spout constructed to release oil drop by drop, as for lubricating machinery. 油罐盛油的罐,特别是指安着可一滴一滴地滴油的喷嘴的油罐,用以润滑机器
A can of tuna fish a loaf of white bread, and a head of lettuce. 一听金枪鱼、一条面包和一棵莴苣。
A canal in the north joins the Mississippi to the five Great Lakes—the world's largest inland water transportation route and the biggest body of fresh water in the world. 北部的一条运河将世界上最长的内河航线—密西西比河同世界上最大的淡水群—五大湖连接在一起。
A canal is a man-made waterway. 运河是人工做的水道。
A cancer of bigotry spread through the community. 一种顽固的社会恶习扩散到整个社区
A cancer patient usually suffers exquisite pain. 癌症病人通常遭受 剧烈疼痛的折磨.
A candidate out on the hustings in the farm belt. 到大农耕带发表演说的竞选者

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