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A display device that allows the user to interact with a data processing system by touching an area on its screen.

A disorderly demonstration will take place. 一场示威游行将要发生。
A disorderly fight, argument, or competition in which everyone present takes part. 可自由参加的争论,比赛每一位席者都可参加一场混乱的打斗、争论或竞赛
A displacement ventilation system was provided, it can form the air layerat the bottom of room so that resistance dewiness air meet directly the cold floor surface. 本文采用房间下部送风的方式,使之形成地面“空气湖”,阻隔潮湿空气与室内地板表面的直接接触。
A display bug generated in the reprocessing window where stacked ammo would cause the desription and quantity columns to overlap has been resolved. 一个在处理页面中导致弹药卡壳和数量显示重叠的显示问题得到了解决。
A display case at the entrance holds a Yankees jersey, a pennant and a baseball cap, all signed by Wang. 在入口处有著一个展示区,放著洋基的衣服,三角旗,棒球帽,全都让王建民签名。
A display device that allows the user to interact with a data processing system by touching an area on its screen. 一种允许用户通过触摸屏幕上某一区域以对数据处理系统进行交互操作的显示装置。
A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
A display monitor that can display graphics. 用于显示图形的显示器。
A display of Americas great heroes who have made an admirable step toward the greater good of humanity. 二次大战期间,一艘全部搭乘非裔美国船员的海军舰艇作战的真实故事。
A display of bushido on the road to Nanking :the killing of innoccent peasants. 武士道精神的体现:日军在上海至南京途中对中国农民进行杀害。
A disposable battery consists of two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, bathed in an electrolyte solution. 抛弃式电池有两个电极,分别是阳极和阴极,都浸泡在电解质溶液中。

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