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A numerical method, based on single temperature sensor, constant heat flux assumed and arbitrary number future time steps, was employed to determine the heat flux during rapid cooling on high temperature surface with multiply immersed impinging water jets

A numerical example of a ten-bar truss was given to demonstrate the validity and feasibility of CGA in its application, and it is found that the optimized results of CGA are superior to SGA and IGA. 通过十杆平面桁架的数值算例来验证组合遗传算法应用的可行性和有效性,组合遗传算法的优化结果也远好于标准遗传算法和改进遗传算法。
A numerical example shows the effect of the proposed algorithm. 数值例子表明了算法的有效性。
A numerical exampleillustrates the proposed method. 数值结果表明此法可行有效。
A numerical investigation about effects of boundary layer suction in low-speed compressor stator cascade with large turning angle was carried out. 摘要本文采用数值方法研究了低速条件下附面层抽吸对大折转角矩形叶栅流场的影响。
A numerical method, RFPA(superscript 2D) used in analysis of rock failure process, is applied to study the influence of macroscopic heterogeneity on macroscopic mechanical behavior of rock failure and seismic sequence types. 摘要运用岩石破裂过程分析RFPA(上标2D)系统,研究了岩石介质宏观非均匀性(含裂纹)对宏观力学行为和微震序列类型的影响。
A numerical method, based on single temperature sensor, constant heat flux assumed and arbitrary number future time steps, was employed to determine the heat flux during rapid cooling on high temperature surface with multiply immersed impinging water jets 摘要基于单点测温、常热流假设,任意未来时间步长的导热反问题算法求解浸没水射流冷却过程的热流密度;采用有限容积法离散方程,附加源项法处理边界条件。
A numerical program developed based on meso-damage mechanics, was adopted to simulate the deformation, damage and fracture, i.e. the whole failure process of brittle composite matrix reinforced by particles under uniaxial tensile load. 摘要在材料细观非均匀性的基础上研究了含粒径不同颗粒的脆性基复合材料的宏观力学性质和破坏过程的尺寸效应。
A numerical simulation was performed to analyze the effect of bowed blades on the separation structures in a high-turning compressor cascade. 摘要通过数值模拟,分析了叶片周向弯曲对大折转角压气机叶栅内分离结构的影响。
A numerical unit of academic achievement equal to a letter grade. 分数学业成绩的数字形式的单位,等于用字母表示的等级
A numerical value for MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE specifies the maximum size in operating system blocks. 该参数指的是操作系统文件的大小,应该是操作系统块。
A nun's life runs in a groove. 修女过着刻板的生活。

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