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Transdermal patches that last up to seven days are now on the market: nicotine to help people stop smoking and estradiol (estrogen) to counter the symptoms of menopause or to act as part of a contraceptive [see “Potent Patches” Working Knowledge, page 92]

Transcendentalism, which was started in 1830s, had refreshed the whole American soceity, moved American culture gradually away from the European, and thus played a vital part in transforming the American immigrants into a new people. 兴起于19世纪30年代的美国超验主义思潮,涤荡了整个美国社会,使美国文化逐渐脱离欧洲文化,使美国人逐渐成为一个新的民族。
Transcendentalists, in fact, were opposed by two groups of people: The first had no real commitment to Evangelical theology, but they approved of its social implications. 第一个团体并不真的持守福音神学,但他们赞同福音神学的社会性伦理。
Transcending the three modes of material nature, which are the cause of the material body; being freed from birth, death, old age and misery; the embodied being enjoys ambrosial nectar. 超越了肉体存在之根源的生命自然本能三性态,体内的灵魂就解脱了生,老,病,死和一切苦难而享受甘美的神露。
Transcripts of tapes Marilyn Monroe apparently made for her psychiatrist have shed new light on her state of mind shortly before her death. 日前,美国好莱坞著名影星玛丽莲·梦露在猝死前不久录制给其精神病医生的一些录音带,暴露了她临死前的一些心声。
Transcripts of the calls reveal that a number of discussions took place with regard to the appointment of specific referees for matches. 电话的具体内容确实有讨论论了一些关于安排具体的裁判执法某一比赛的问题。
Transdermal patches that last up to seven days are now on the market: nicotine to help people stop smoking and estradiol (estrogen) to counter the symptoms of menopause or to act as part of a contraceptive [see “Potent Patches” Working Knowledge, page 92] 市面上已有可以维持七天之久的皮肤贴片,例如可帮助人们戒菸的尼古丁贴片,以及应付停经症状或是用来避孕的雌性素贴片(见第114页〈良药妙贴〉)。
Transductive Support Vector Machines (TSVM) take advantage of the test sets as well as the train sets and inherit most properties of inductive SVMs. 摘要直推式支持向量机(TSVM)是在利用有标签样本的同时,考虑无标签样本对分类器的影响,并且结合支持向量机算法,实现一种高效的分类算法。
Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) was not applied in this patient in fear of increased risk of esophageal varicose bleeding in a liver cirrhotic patient. 经食道心臓超音波是诊断静脉气栓的有力工具,在肝硬化的病人身上虽非绝对禁忌症,但须护慎使用。
Transf. 100t of ballast water from Port no.1 to STBD No.2 double bottom. 将左舷1号舱的100t压载水驳到右舷2号双层舱。
Transfection of cell lines impaired for VZV infection with a plasmid expressing human IDE resulted in increased entry and enhanced infection with cell-free and cell-associated virus. VZV感染受抑制的细胞系通过质粒表达转染人类IDE蛋白后可增加游离病毒颗粒以及细胞内病毒引起的感染。
Transfer China language repeater forever at a low price now, is it change speed to have 8 more permitted, reply and read in 480 seconds, can see the screen too at night, the blue is lighted at night, deal with at a low price now, 120 RMB, if buy sincerely 现在低价转让永华牌复读机,可以8倍变速,480秒复读,屏幕夜间也可以看见,蓝色夜间照明,现在低价处理了,120元,如有诚意购买,本人另外赠送4节充电电池,可以在机内充电,无需另买充电器,电池原先放在在复读机里面用的,这样就摆脱了电线的忧愁。

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