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A derivative is a security which “derives” its value from another underlying financial instrument, index, or other investment.

A depression over the Atlantic usually brings bad weather in Britain. 大西洋上空的低气压通常给英国带来恶劣的天气。
A depression similar to that in a shallow concave container for food. 凹形,凹面与浅的凹型盛食物的容器相似的凹处
A depression usually brings bad weather. 低气压往往带来坏天气。
A deranged writer murders a maid after she resists his advances. 当女佣人拒绝作家在性方面的要求时,精神错乱的他把她谋杀了。
A derivative is a financial instrument whose value depends on the price of an underlying instrument, such as currencies, commodities or securities. 衍生工具就是一种金融工具,其价值取决于基础工具的价格,比如货币、商品或有价证券。
A derivative is a security which “derives” its value from another underlying financial instrument, index, or other investment. 衍生工具是一种金融工具,它是从其他原生金融工具如指数衍生出来的。
A derived class inherits properties from a base class. 一个有源的基类中继承属性。
A descent algorithm for solving unconstrained optimization is discussed. Global convergence result is established with inexact line search. 摘要研究了求解无约束优化问题的一种共轭下降算法,并在非精确线搜索条件下证明了该算法的全局收敛性。
A description is also given of the thinking on the development of the power source, its technical innovations and its use. 介绍了大功率调压电源的开发思路、技术创新点及应用情况。
A description is given of the analytical method for the determination of the urea content in slow-release urea by the p-dimethyl aminobenzaldehyde spectrophotometry. 摘要介绍用对二甲氨基苯节醛分光光度法测定缓释尿素中尿素含量的分析方法。
A description is made of the problems encountered in GPS leveling measurement in this field and countermeasures.As observation of ground subsidence is made through measuring the relative movement of the observation stations,it is proposed to base the subs 介绍了GPS水准测量中的若干问题及其解决方法,结合开采沉陷监测需要的是相对变化量的特点,为避免坐标转换造成的精度损失,提出了开采沉陷观测中的下沉值可应用大地高的变化量代替的方法,并对其精度及可靠性进行了实例验证。

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