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Total work days, total overtime hours and total overtime hours on rest days should be clearly stated in the timecard for easy checking.

Total revenue among the tech companies in the survey grew to $700 billion in 2005, from $250 billion in 2001, while the share of sales coming from exports rose to 43% from 32%. 接受调查的所有科技类公司2005年的总收入为7,000亿美元,远远高于2001年时的2,500亿美元,同期出口收入占总收入的比例也从32%升高至43%。
Total said: “We are doing everything we can to support the emergency services and to bring the situation under control. 道达尔公司表示:“我们在尽全力支持紧急服务部门,使局势得到控制。”
Total sales volume plunged by 16% year on year in January-April 2007 following a year-on-year drop of 3% in 2006, due primarily to weak consumer confidence in the face of intense political uncertainty. 由于起初在面对激烈的政治不确定的不牢固的消费信念,总的销售额在2006年全年降低3%之后,在2007年1月到4月期间降低了16%。
Total shipments of vehicles and parts reached US$10bn in 2006, up by 22% year on year. 在2006年出口汽车和零部件总额达到了100亿美元,比去年增长了22%。
Total thyroidectomy is indicated, even if bilateral involvement is not obvious. 即使双侧累及不明显,也需行甲状腺全切。
Total work days, total overtime hours and total overtime hours on rest days should be clearly stated in the timecard for easy checking. 把上班的总天数,平时加班的总时数,休息日加班的总时数清楚写在工卡上,方便算工资和检查。
Total, final payment is always due before goods leave the production site. 最后的全部款项也应该在产品离开工厂后付清。
TotalFinaElf, the fourth largest oil company in the world, and ranks No.14 on the Globe 500 list. 道达尔菲纳埃尔夫集团,是全球第四大石油公司,同时在全球财富500强中名列14位。
Totaling 216 piers of the bridge completed installation in the deepwater area in the Yangtze River on Saturday. 当日,上海长江大桥深水区216节墩柱全部预制安装完成。
Totalitarian regimes can filter content on the web and use it to track dissidents, but human ingenuity means that attempts to block the flow of information altogether are doomed to fail. 极权主义的政体能够对网络的内容进行过滤并使用它来追踪那些持反对政见的团体,但是人类别出心裁的网络设计却警示了我们-任何试图要阻止信息流的行为都终归要遭受失败。
Totally 304 healthy relatives of patients with hand or orthopaedic disease were enrolled from Anshan Central Hospital, including 153 males and 151 females, Han nationality adults in Anshan city. 本课题组在20世纪90年代就对辽宁籍大学生的手形态和手功能位的三维空间值进行过系统研究,积累了研究经验。

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