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Even Aleck's man-made fiber coat caught fire.

Even (or especially) a wealthy Westerner in his own country is quite careful about the way he addresses a workman - he knows full well that the latter won't take kindly to being patronised or browbeaten. 特别应提到,即使是在我们自己的国家里,西方富人也会十分小心同工人的讲话方式,――他很清楚,工人不会把和气的态度当成一种恩赐。
Even 15 billion years or so after the Big Bang⑸, echoes of that event still linger in the form of background radiation⑹, only a few degrees above absolute zero⑺. 宇宙大爆炸在一百五十多亿年后的今天仍余波未平,爆炸当时所释放的能量(即使这些能量看起来似乎微不足道)仍以背景辐射现象的形式存在着。
Even 50-year-olds endure flare-u . 即便是50多岁的人偶尔也会长粉刺。
Even 50-year-olds endure flare-ups. 即便是50多岁的人偶尔也会长粉刺。
Even 53 percent of Russians said that the world was safer with a single superpower. 甚至53%的俄罗斯人都认为只有一个超级大国的世界会更安全。
Even Aleck's man-made fiber coat caught fire. 甚至亚力克的人造纤维外衣也着了火。
Even America's successes give little relief. 即使美国打赢了仗也没让人感到一丝轻松。
Even Anthony Hopkins is Welsh. 连安东尼.霍普金斯都是威尔士人。
Even B2C sites often make the associated mistake of forgetting prices in product lists, such as category pages or search results. 甚至B2C网站也经常犯这种在产品列表中不标价格的错误,例如搜索结果和分类页面。
Even Britain has expelled most of its aristocrats from the House of Lords. 英国甚至将多数贵族驱离出了上议院。
Even Buddy and Woody, who 3)keep bugs and 4)beasts in check as members of the 5)Pest Control Unit, are local cats. 甚至连巴弟与伍迪控制昆虫与动物的「害虫防治组」成员都是本地的猫。

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