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Earth's physical shape hasn't changed since last time, but we have just shown that on average our 400 observation sites lie around 2.5 millimeters closer to the center of the Earth,said Axel Nothnagel, a mathematician at Germany's University of Bonn who t

Each leaf is the tree,Lao Tzu said 2,000 years ago. 两千年前老子说过这样的话:“每片树叶都是树”。
Each minute has been a special test for me but to sit on the bench is not the most desirable experience for a player. “每一分钟都是一次特别的测试,但是坐在板凳上却不是一名球员想要的。”
Each minute has been a special test for me but to sit on the bench is not the most desirable experience for a player. 每一分钟对我来说都是一个特别的测试,但是对于一个球员坐冷板凳科不是一件最吸引人的事情。
Each of you exists in other realities and other dimensions, and the self that you call yourself is but a small portion of your entire identity. “你们每一个人都存在于另外的实在和另外的维度,你称作你自己的自身只是你整个身份的一小部分。
Each person has a different reaction (to the trip), depending on their cultural background,said Johnathan, executive director of Feng Shui Masters. “风水大师”执行总裁约那逊说:“每个人对于旅行的反映都不一样,取决于他们的文化背景。”
Earth's physical shape hasn't changed since last time, but we have just shown that on average our 400 observation sites lie around 2.5 millimeters closer to the center of the Earth,said Axel Nothnagel, a mathematician at Germany's University of Bonn who t “自上次测量以来,地球的物理形态没有变化,我们只是发现,我们的400个观察点平均离地心近了2.5毫米左右,”参加此次研究工作的德国波恩大学数学家阿克赛尔?诺特纳格尔说。
Eastern Europe cultivates some of the most highly technical, skilled work forces in the world. 东欧为世界培养了一批技术水平极高、经验丰富的劳动力大军。
Easy does it, said the landlady when we moved the sofa upstairs. 当我们把沙发往楼上搬时,女房东说:慢慢来,小心点。
Easy,says the salesman. It emits a beeping sound, and you can find it with your eyes closed. “简单。它能发出嘟嘟声,这样你就能循声而至了。”
Easy,she said as she scooped porridge into a bowl. 容易极了!,他的妻子一边将麦片粥放进碗内,一边说。
Eat away, children, there's enough time yet. 孩子们,继续吃吧,时间还早。

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