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Another worry is that the red swamp invader has helped unleash a deadly fungal disease on native crayfish populations around Europe—a plague to which it is, itself, resistant.

Another wedding?! These wedding gift is costing me a lot. 又是一个婚礼?!这些贺礼真花钱。
Another will be to maintain credibility in (and for) an industry that combines serious science with snake oil. 此外,在严肃科学和伪科学(比如所谓能包治百病的万灵油)混为一体的行业中,要自觉保持诚信并赢得公众的信任也都是一件难事。
Another will measure the effectiveness of an antibiotic medicine as a treatment for one kind of autism. 另一个将测量作为治疗自闭症的一种抗生药的效用。
Another workshop teaches how toys work by allowing students to take some toys apart. 另一个研讨会则让学生将玩具拆解开来,以便他们了解玩具的运作原理。
Another worry is that telecommunication systems may isolate people from each other. 另一个担忧是通信系统会使人们互相隔离。
Another worry is that the red swamp invader has helped unleash a deadly fungal disease on native crayfish populations around Europe—a plague to which it is, itself, resistant. 关于这种龙虾的另一种担忧是在它们有助于在欧洲大陆本土龙虾间传播一种致命的病毒,但是这种病毒对它们自身是免疫的。
Another worry is the increasing medical problems related to work with visual display units. 另一问题是,与操作显示器有关的疾病的上升。
Another would establish a national language reserve, a sort of language equivalent to the National Guard, whose members would be paid to maintain their language skills and would be on call to offer linguistic assistance as needed. 另一项提案是成立类似美国国民警卫队的全国语言储备人才培训中心,成员支领薪水以维持他们的语言学习。
Another wrinkle is plans by LG Electronics, and possibly other gadget makers attending the Las Vegas conference, to announce new DVD players with drives for both formats; however, such players will most likely be initially more expensive than other player LG电子也计划趟这片浑水,可能还有参加拉斯维加斯展会的其他设备商,他们也将推出内置两种播放制式的新型DVD影碟机;但是,这些设备会比其他播放机贵上许多。
Another, 2002 study of 499 adults found a four-fold increased risk of obesity for those who reported skipping breakfast 25% of the time. 另外2002年一项对499名成人的研究发现,那些自称四分之一时间不吃早饭的人,患肥胖症的危险增加四倍。
Another, by LH2, showed the pair neck-and-neck, at 27% each. 另一家民调机构LH2显示他们二人的支持率旗鼓相当,都是27%。

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