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You can't have been working all the time. Did you have a favorite hangout spot?

You can't go wrong when you decorate using brass items. 你用黄铜饰品装饰就不会弄错了。
You can't go wrong[1] giving an Aries a diamond or an original portrait in oil. 当然,要是你送给白羊座一颗钻石或是一张原版油画也是绝对不会错的。
You can't grow these tropical flowers out of doors; you have to grow them in a heated glasshouse. 这些热带植物在户外是不会生长的,你得把它们放在温室里生长。
You can't guard him one-on-one. 你一防一防不了他的。
You can't have a complete monopoly of the car, I need to use it occasionally. 你不能一人独霸这辆汽车--我偶尔也要用.
You can't have been working all the time. Did you have a favorite hangout spot? 你应该不会一直在学习,你有什么喜欢去的消遣的地方吗?
You can't have everything in this life. 万事如意古来难。
You can't have too much food at a time, or you II feel bad. 你一次不能吃太多的东西,要不然你会感到不舒服的。
You can't hold onto yesterday. 不要摆脱不了昨天。
You can't imagine how happy I was to be the proud owner of a personal computer, which was then still a rarity. 那时候电脑还是个稀罕东西,你很难想像我当时拥有一台个人电脑该有多得意,多高兴!
You can't imagine the life of the refugees in Somali. 你不可能想像得出索马里 的难民是如何生活的.

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