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According to the General Theory of Relativity, the planets orbit the sun because they are taking the shortest path through the curved spacetime (recall the tennis ball).

According to the Elias Sports Bureau, the Knicks hadn't suffered back-to-back Garden losses by 15 points or more since the end of the 1986-87 season. 根据伊莱亚斯体育总局的统计,尼克斯这是在1986~1987赛季以来第一次在麦迪逊花园主场背靠背的两场比赛中连输给对手15分以上。
According to the English literature, there are only three cases lobular capillary hemangioma of the nasal cavity in children. 本科于2000年7月间经历1名9岁女童患者,主诉左侧反覆流鼻血,偶有鼻塞现象已1年多。
According to the European Commission only Belgium, Germany, Austria, Finland, Sweden and Luxembourg will be in a position to start issuing the biometric passports from October. 欧盟委员会的资料显示,仅有比利时、德国、奥地利、芬兰、瑞典和卢森堡能于10月起开始提供生物辨识护照。
According to the FIA standard 8853/98, every fastening point of the belts must be able to withstand a load of 14.7 kilonewtons, the equivalent of roughly 1,470 kilograms. 根据国际汽联的标准8853/98,安全带的每个固定点必须能够承受14.7千牛顿的载荷,大约相当于1,470公斤的重量。
According to the FTIR spectra, the modification process was efficient to coat a layer of stearic acid (SA) on the powder surface. 根据红外光谱分析,在粉末表面施覆硬脂酸或聚乙二醇可有效改变其表面官能基。
According to the General Theory of Relativity, the planets orbit the sun because they are taking the shortest path through the curved spacetime (recall the tennis ball). 根据广义相对论,行星之所以环绕太阳是因为它们沿弯曲时空的最短路线行走(回忆网球的例子)。
According to the Germany racer Osfor Anzurs' introduction, rainfall or bad weather is not a problem to horses, because in Germany it often rains when horse racing. 据德国骑手奥斯佛安祖亚斯介绍,降雨和坏天气对马匹不是问题,在德国进行的比赛经常有雨水“光顾”。
According to the Gold Survey 2007 published by Gold Fields Mineral Services Ltd (GFMS), a London-based precious metals consultancy, though global gold output dropped slightly last year, China's production of the precious metal increased 8 percent year-on- 根据金矿矿产服务有限公司2007年金矿调查显示:以伦敦为基地的贵金属,虽然全球黄金产量去年稍微下降,但是中国的黄金产量与去年同期247吨相比增长了8%,赶上了世界第三大黄金产量国澳大利亚。
According to the Guinness book of world records, Brandy, a Chihuahua, is the smallest dog in the world. 根据《金氏世界纪录大全》,布兰蒂这只吉娃娃狗,是世界上最小的狗狗。
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Kidman's $17 million was $3 million short of Roberts's salary when she appeared on the list last year. 据好莱坞报道,基德曼去年上榜的一千七百万美金工资仅次于罗伯茨三百万。
According to the IFED, earth has 6.477 billion human beings now, and the 6.5 billionth will be born in Asia some time in December. 根据IFED,地球现在有六十四亿七千七百万人,第六十五亿人将在十二月的某一天于亚洲出生。

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