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Could you help me to get book from the highest bookshelf ? It's out of my reach .

Could you help me to analyse structure of this sentence. 你能给我分析一下这个句子的结构吗?
Could you help me to fill out the two divs-immigration div and customs declaration div? 您可以帮我填一下入境申报单、海关申报单吗?
Could you help me to fill out the two forms-immigration form and customs declaration form? 您可以帮我填写一下入境申报单、海关申报单吗?
Could you help me to find a pair of matching shoes for this outfit? 可以帮我找一双和这套衣服配得起来的鞋子吗?
Could you help me to find it? 你能帮我找一下吗?
Could you help me to get book from the highest bookshelf ? It's out of my reach . 你能帮我取最高一层书架上的书吗?我够不着。
Could you help me up the stairs? 你能扶我上楼梯吗?
Could you help me with my English? 你可以帮助我学英语么?
Could you hold off (making) your decision until next week? 你可以推迟到下星期再做决定吗?
Could you hold on any longer? 你能再稍待一会儿吗?
Could you hold the line, please? 请(拿着话筒)稍等一会好吗?

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