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Six kerion patients were given roxithromycin (~0 kg: 00 mg, bid; ~ kg: 0 mg bid) and mupirocin ointment for treatment.
例脓癣病人加服罗红霉素 (病人体重 ~ 0kg者0 0mg ,bid ;~ kg者 0mgbid)及外用莫匹罗星软膏 ,bid。

Situshu (私待属) in the Spring and Autumn Period and Guests in the Warring States Period refer to the groups subsidiary to the aristocracy. But there are differences between them. 春秋“私徒属”与战国“宾客”同属依附于各级贵族的社会群体,但又有着显著的差异:私徒属讲求忠诚,至死不二,宾客则以势取舍,择木而栖;
Six shaft ganged parallel machine tool is able to cut complex curved surface, the tilting angle of the moving platform must be about 0°(or more). 具有空间复杂曲面加工能力的六轴联动的并联机床 ,动平台倾斜角一般应在左右 ,甚至更大。
Six MAbs against haemagglutinin of higly pathogenic H avian influenza virus were developed by fusing SP/0 myeloma cells with spleen cells of BALB/c mice immunized with Ck/HK/Yu/0(HN),which were designated as F, C8, FC, 7C,0HD and G respectively. 以禽流感病毒株Ck/HK/Yu/0(HN)作为免疫原,利用常规杂交瘤技术和血凝抑制试验法成功地筛选出株稳定分泌抗高致病性H亚型禽流感病毒血凝素的单克隆抗体(单抗),分别命名为F、 C8、 FC、7C、0HD和 G。
Six compounds, scopoletin , scopolin , cassiachromone , , 7, '-trihydroxy-8-methoxyflavone , β-sitosterol and daucosterol were isolated frorn Prana discifera Schneid. They were characterized by spectral analysis. 从搭棚藤(Prana discifera Schneid)茎叶的乙醇提取物中分离得个化合物,经波谱分析和与 已知品对照,分别确定为scopoletin 、scopolin 、cassiachromone 、’-羟基汉黄芩素 、β-谷甾醇 和胡萝卜苷 。
Six glucosides of benzyl fluorouracil were synthesized by reaction of benzyl fluorouracil with α D monose bromide under phase transfer catalysis. Their structures were confirmed by IR, H NMR and elementary analysis. 在相转移催化条件下 ,使 -苄基 - -氟脲嘧啶与单糖溴代物反应 ,合成了 个未见文献报道的 -苄基 - -氟脲嘧啶 - - N -β- D-糖苷类化合物 ,其结构经元素分析、IR和 H NMR所证实
Six kerion patients were given roxithromycin (~0 kg: 00 mg, bid; ~ kg: 0 mg bid) and mupirocin ointment for treatment. 例脓癣病人加服罗红霉素 (病人体重 ~ 0kg者0 0mg ,bid ;~ kg者 0mgbid)及外用莫匹罗星软膏 ,bid。
Six neonates (0. 0%) were found to be in hypo-iodism status. 有 例 ( 0 . 0 % )新生儿存在缺碘状况。
Six straight chain of fatty acid compounds: palmic acid , n-hexacosanoic acid , n-octacosanoic acid , n-triacontanoic acid , succinic acid(7), adipic acid(8). A alkaloid compound: allantoin(9). 个直链脂肪酸:棕榈酸(palmic acid) ,正二十六碳酸(n-hexacosanoic acid) ,正二十八碳酸(n-octacosanoic acid) ,正三十碳酸(n-triacontanoic acid) ,琥珀酸(succinic acid)(7),己二酸(adipic acid)(8);
Six tumors were located in the thigh,in the calf,in the deltoid,andin the elbow region,in the axilla,in the upper arm,in the buttock,andin the groin. 肿瘤位于大腿例,小腿例,上臂例,踝部、腋窝、前臂、腹股沟和臀部各例。
Six weeks later,Group B was fed with TCD forage and Group C given para genual cortex fenestration,and both Groups B and C were treated for weeks. 造模后周开始,A组给以普通饲料,B组服用含中药的饲料,C组于膝旁经骨皮质开窗,治疗周。
Skills of Format Transformation between Word and PDF Based on Acrobat Professional 7.0 基于Acrobat Professional 7.0实现Word与PDF格式互换的技巧

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