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For example, the occipital lobe processes visual information while the parietal lobe processes somatosensory information such as cutaneous pain or temperature (Fig 3.1).

For example, the meter is defined as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second. 例如,公尺被解释为光在真空中以每1/299,792,458秒的速度所穿越的距离。
For example, the new Yahoo Mail lets users drag and drop messages into folders, open multiple message windows, preview message content in a pane, and perform. actions via keyboard shortcuts. 例如,在新的雅虎邮箱中,用户可自行拖拽邮件信息至文件夹中、同时打开多个信息窗口、预览信息内容,还可通过键盘快捷键进行操作。
For example, the number of hectares devoted to wheat has been declining for 30 years. 比如说,用于种植小麦的公顷数量在过去30年中一直在减少。
For example, the number of parameters in a URL might exclude a site from being crawled for inclusion in our main index; however, it could still be crawled and added to our supplemental index. 例如,一个网址的参数数量可能使该网站无法抓取到主要索引中,但是,仍可能抓取和添加到我们的补充索引中。
For example, the numbers reported for the growth in both GDP and fixed investment are incompatible. 比如,官方给出的gdp增长数据和固定资产投资的增长数据就存在出入。
For example, the occipital lobe processes visual information while the parietal lobe processes somatosensory information such as cutaneous pain or temperature (Fig 3.1). 比如说,枕叶负责处理视觉信息,而顶叶则负责处理机体感觉信号,例如皮肤痛觉或温度觉。
For example, the office organizes a special week-long conference for new foreign students before the start of each semester. 例如,每学期初该办公室都会为外国新生组织一个长达一周的特殊会议。
For example, the okapi appears to be a combination of three animals. 举例来说,霍加皮(产于非洲东部)以三种动物的混合体而现身。
For example, the older person perhaps had trouble hearing , or poor vision, or inattention, or was trying to learn the new thing at too fast a pace. 例如,老年人可能有听力问题、视力不好、注意力不能集中、学习新东西的速度太快。
For example, the open structure of the American industrial network facilitates the knowledge diffusion to Taiwanese IC industry through social capital of the start-up, technological learning by returnees from US and American technology licensing in an ope 归纳相关厂商的访谈后发现,台湾积体电路产业与美国矽谷之间的技术知识交流,受到(1)美国开放性人才;(2)资讯流通网络结构;(3)留美归台学人创业;(4)技术学习移转等社会资本以及(5)美国开放的技术授权等关键技术移入路径影响。
For example, the outdoors man may define his just-right wife as a woman who loves to fish, to camp, to hunt, and to water ski, whereas the inside sportsman may define his just-right wife as a woman who enjoys watching football, basketball, baseball, and w 就拿爱好野外运动的男人来说吧,他们认为理想太太应该是钓鱼、野营、狩猎和滑水运动的爱好者;而爱好场地运动的男人眼中的标准太太或许应该是橄榄球、篮球、棒球和摔跤比赛的忠实观众。

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