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I guess you'll get lots and lots of presents,he said. I did last week when I was six.

I guess not, Joe.Bill Hutchinson said regretfully. My daughter draws with her husband's family; that's only fair. And I've got no other family except the kids. “我不这样想,乔。”比尔·赫群森遗憾地说。“我的女儿随她的丈夫家一起抽签;这很公平。除了孩子们我再没有别的亲属了。”
I guess she'll have to move out. “我看还是让她搬出去吧。”
I guess that came out wrong,Lamar apologized. “我不该这么说,”拉马尔表示道歉。
I guess you could say it's a modern fairy tale,she told Denmark's Politiken newspaper in an interview this week. “我想你们可能觉得这是一个现代童话,”本周她在接受丹麦政治报采访时说。
I guess you'd prefer to be at home for the second leg, but at this stage you've got to go with the draw and overall we're got to be happy. “我想大家都希望能够后打主场,但是在比赛中只要能够顺利晋级并且战胜对手就已经很值得开心了.”
I guess you'll get lots and lots of presents,he said. I did last week when I was six. “我猜你准会收到好多好多礼物,”他说。“上个礼拜我六岁生日,就收到好多好多。”
I h***e not the inclination to parley, said Mr. Brownlow. “我无意讨价还价,”布朗先生说。
I had a great three years at Chelsea which I thoroughly enjoyed, and I'd like to think they enjoyed me as well,said Duff. “在切尔西我度过了美好的三年,我充分的享受了这些时光。我想他们的感受也同我一样。”达夫说。
I had a layup, but when I went up it felt like a sniper shot me,he said. It was just a feeling I've never had. 我完成了一次扣篮,但是当我挑起的时候我感觉一个狙击手射中了我,他说,那种痛苦我从来都没有体验过。
I had a long rest during the summer and maybe that has helped. “在夏季里我得到了长时间的休息,也许这很有帮助。
I had a lot of really good friends who were willing to help,Schnur says. It was a stunning outpouring of care and concern. 她说,我有许多愿意真正提供帮助的好朋友,关怀和关心如潮倾注。

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