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Abstract: In the wake of rapid current development in the interaction of S&T, social life and production, is it still adaptable to the evaluation of technological results to introduce a jury of peers?

Abstract: In the present paper the progress was reviewed in the active filler metals with different temperatures for ceramic to metal brazing and related brazing technique of reducing joining-gap residual stress.It was recommended that the key developing 文摘:阐述了陶瓷/金属钎焊用不同温度的活性钎料及以降低焊缝残余应力为中心的钎焊工艺进展;指出:在我国耐高温、抗氧化性优良的高温耐热型活性钎料是重点发展方向;介绍了降低焊缝残余应力的钎焊工艺和焊缝中间添加过渡层的选择原则。
Abstract: In the research of internal combustion engine,recordingin-cylinder pressure and temperature is an essential technique to study the thermal cycle of internal combustion engine.The combustion analyzer developed in this study will give both the mea 文摘:为了测录内燃机缸内的压力及温度,开发了一种内燃机燃烧分析仪.该分析仪由国产高速数据采集卡及自行开发的控制软件组成.它不仅能精确设置每度曲轴转角内采样点的个数和采集循环数,而且在采集过程中能实时计算和表征内燃机工作过程的压力升高率、平均指示压力、循环变动率、放热率等参数.经实际使用以及与国外产品相比表明,此分析仪具有全中文界面、价格低、操作简单、使用维护方便、功能便于扩充等优点.
Abstract: In the research of the problem about human in modern western society,the Frankfurt School held a important position. 文摘:在现代西方关于人的问题的研究中,法兰克福学派占有很重要的地位,而弗洛姆无疑是法兰克福学派的主要代表人物之一。
Abstract: In the survey of disposable sanitary products on Beijing market, it was found that 39.5%of them were disinfected with chemical method, 33.5%with ionizing radiation disinfection and others with heat and ultraviolet disinfection. 文摘:调查北京市售一次使用性卫生用品,39.5%用化学法消毒,33.5%用电离辐射消毒,其余用热力与紫外线消毒。
Abstract: In the thesis, the effect factors of the extrudate temperature have been researc hed during the processing of twin-screw extruder. 文摘:研究了在双螺杆挤出过程中,影响药料温度变化的有关因素,认为第一段机筒温度是影响药温的显著因子。
Abstract: In the wake of rapid current development in the interaction of S&T, social life and production, is it still adaptable to the evaluation of technological results to introduce a jury of peers? 文摘:随着科技的发展和知识经济社会的来临,同行评议在技术成果领域受到强有力的挑战,因此,我们是否应该寻求更为客观、公正与有效的评价模式?
Abstract: In this article an optimization method is applied to de sign open-type distribution networks.Graph theory technology is used.Its mathem at ical model considers both the investment of constructing lines and the cost of o peration.The main idea is 文摘:将图论优化技术应用于配电网络的优化设计,提出了一种适合于开式配电网络规划的优化方法.所建的数学模型综合考虑了待建线路的投资和运行费用.求解方法是以图论中的最短路径问题为基础,配合以开式网络潮流算法,并通过可行路径的合理变换,得出满足技术约束条件且使年计算费用取极小值的树状网络结构.
Abstract: In this article, a relativistic effect in gold chemistry and the nontrivial physico-chemical properties of gold presented as a consequence this effect were introduced in brief. 摘要:简要介绍了金化学中的相对论的效应和由此而导致的金的异常物理化学特性。
Abstract: In this article, starting from solute′s transport a nd diffusion equati on, aiming at the saturation state of liquid in homogeneous soil of impermeable stratum and on the condition that lots of saturated solute (e.g. nutriment) on t op of the so 文摘:从溶质输移扩散方程出发,针对强透水层上均质土壤的液体饱和状态,在顶层含有大量饱和溶质(如养分等)维持着渗透扩散的条件下,进行严密的数学推证,给出均质土壤中溶质浓度分布的解析解。
Abstract: In this article, we described the system design object, the plan of function module, scene organization and fast rendering algorithm in detail. 文摘:本文对系统的总体设计目标、功能模块的划分、场景的组织、快速显示算法等作了详细的介绍。
Abstract: In this article,a new conception,acidification-index,wasintroduced to distinguish the anaerobic reaction phase,It is testified practicable in an actual project. 文摘:本文提出了酸化指数的概念,以此作为判别厌氧反应相分离状态的指标。并通过应用实例对其有效性进行了验证。

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