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We think the nation ought to make a larger one-time payment, quite apart from insurance, should you be killed in a combat area of operations,David Chu, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, said in an interview in his Pentagon office.

We think Chuang Chuang should not weigh over 140 kilogrammes. Otherwise Lin Hui will carry too much weight while mating,she told reporters. 坎尼卡在接受记者采访时说:“创创的体重应控制在140公斤以内。否则,交配时林惠的负担会很重。”
We think John is a fink pacifist on a super ego trip, she said. 她说:我们认为约翰是个极力追名逐利、喜欢告密的和平主义者。
We think a great deal of this young man,Torre said. We had a long talk today. We just feel he needs to get his aggressiveness back. 老爹说:我们帮这位年轻人想了一个好差事。我们今天谈了很久,我们觉得他需要找回他的冲劲。
We think it may have come to the surface because it was sick, or else it was weakened because it was in shallow waters,a park official told the Reuters news service. 海洋馆一位官员表示:“我们猜想,它是由于生病才游到了水面,或是因为在浅水区被搁浅导致体力虚弱。”
We think it's a big mistake,Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club, told National Geographic News. 我们认为这是一大错误,卡尔教宗总裁塞拉俱乐部诉国家地理新闻.
We think the nation ought to make a larger one-time payment, quite apart from insurance, should you be killed in a combat area of operations,David Chu, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, said in an interview in his Pentagon office. 国防部五角大楼助理国务助理接受访问时说,国家应该在保险之外,为阵亡士兵的家属一次性更大的补偿。
We think this is an important day for both companies,Benioff said at Tuesday luncheon to celebrate the Google deal. 他在周二的庆祝午宴上说,“我们认为这是一个对双方都极具意义的日子。”
We told them that we would guarantee the negotiation process and that there would be no operation against them until this dilemma is solved. “我告诉他们我们会保证谈判过程安全,过程中没有任何行动,直至解开僵局。”
We tole them that (we would) grarantee the negotiation process and (that) there (would be) no operation against them (until this dilemma is solved). “我们告诉过他们,我们会保证谈判安全地进行,并且在双方矛盾没有解决之前,不会对他们采取军事行动。”
We tole them that we would guarantee the negotiation process and that there would be no operation against them until this dilemma is solved. “我们告诉过他们,我们会保证谈判过程的安全,并且直到双方矛盾解决都不会有对抗他们的行动.
We took only the animals as our booty and the spoil of the cities which we had captured. 申2:35惟有牲畜、和所夺的各城、并其中的财物、都取为自己的掠物。

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