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Stranger:A reckless drunk driver ran over Daniel and he is criticl in the hosptial.

Stranger still, after he got up, he even took a bath, clipped his fingernails and put on brand-new clothes. 更怪的是他下了床便洗澡,剪指甲,穿了一身崭新的衣服。
Stranger. Do not tangle yourself in my webs. 陌生人,别在我的网里纠缠。
Stranger: Could you tell me how to get to the town hall? 陌生人:你能告诉我怎样去镇公所?
Stranger: It's really kind of you. 陌生人:你真好。
Stranger: Know who I am? I'm the game warden. 陌生人:你知道我是谁吗?我是这里的渔猎执行官。
Stranger:A reckless drunk driver ran over Daniel and he is criticl in the hosptial. 陌生人:一个鲁莽的醉酒司机从丹尼尔身上轧了过去,他在医院里,生命垂危。
Stranger:Are you a friend of Daniel? 陌生人:你是丹尼尔的朋友吗?
Strangers all, some with walkers, others with canes, many simply leaning on his arm as he led them to his grandfather to pay their last respects. 那些老人全是陌生人,有的带着助行架,不少拄着拐杖,很多人仅仅是靠在他的手臂上,由他带着他们向他的祖父致以最后的敬意。
Strangers and travelers were welcome soruces of diversion, and brought news of the outside world. 陌生人和旅行者是受欢迎的解闷来源,并带来外面世界的新闻。
Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside world. 陌生人和旅游者是受欢迎的消遣的来源,他们带来外部世界的新闻。
Strangers get such shabby treatment in this town that they never want to visit it again. 陌生人在这个城里遇到如此怠慢的对待,以至于没有人会再度访问它。

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