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The systemic administration of heparin, warfarin or streptokinase is determined to have a thrombolytic effect but risk systemic or ocular bleeding and appeare to be unhelpul for improving visual acuity.

The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those people advocating such a doctrine or cause. 宣传活动对一个学说、事业或信息的系统宣传,其反映倡导该学说或该事业的人的观点和利益
The systematic research of the first and the second ceremonies from the angle of ceremony politics and national sacrifices, and the deep study of the political thoughts and social culture hiding behind these two kinds of ceremonies, are not only beneficia 从仪式政治与国家祭祀的角度对前两种典礼仪式进行系统的史学考察,并挖掘和诠释其表象背后的政治思想与社会文化内蕴,不仅有利于把握“后孙中山时代”民国官方对孙中山政治遗产的利用与运作体系,而且有利于继承和弘扬孙中山的民主革命精神与思想。
The systematic, formal, axiomatic development of the logic of all forms and models of being. 事物的所有表示和模型的逻辑的,系统的,正式的,和公理性的开发。
The systematic, protracted, all inclusive, and forceful rejections by the British IOP since 1993 have been even more incredible, because perpetrated to such an extreme of offending the memory of distinguished British physicists (such as the rejection of a 1993年以来英国物理学院〔IOP〕系统地强制性拒绝我所有的论文的情况更为难以置信,因为这样的拒稿发展到这样的极端,以及我纪念卓著的英国物理学家的论文也被拒稿,例如我对卢瑟福〔英国著名物理学家、化学家〕科学遗产进行高度评价的论文也遭到拒绝。
The systembased on operating rules and actual state of electric equipment of substation can be applied to several substations andgive correct operation order. 该系统能根据变电站操作规则和电气设备的实际状态,同时面对多个变电站,开列正确的操作票。
The systemic administration of heparin, warfarin or streptokinase is determined to have a thrombolytic effect but risk systemic or ocular bleeding and appeare to be unhelpul for improving visual acuity. 全身应用肝素、华法令或链激酶溶栓药物已被证实对提高视力没有明确帮助,并且存在全身或局部出血的风险。
The systemic bias prevents the dispersed investors from exercising their litigation rights in both single and joint actions. 摘要无论是在单独诉讼还是共同诉讼,系统性偏袒均严重地阻碍投资者诉权的行使。
The systemic relationship among the three strains of pomegranate canker diseases, the disease symptom, pathogen morphology, culture and physiological characters and molecular diversity was studied by comparison. 摘要对石榴溃疡病害3菌株所引起的病害症状、病原菌的形态学特征、培养学特性、生理学特性及分子遗传多样性等方面进行比较研究。
The systems are classified according to the characteristics of their delays-shorter or longer than a sample period, constant or variable, random or determinate, and the independent or dependent features under some conditions are discussed. 把系统按其延迟大于或小于一个采样周期,定常或时变,确定或随机的不同性质进行分类。
The systems are usually described by the timed automata and the properties are specified by the temporal logic. 这类系统通常用时间自动机来表示,而它们的性质则用时序逻辑公式表示。
The systems come with unique filtration technology that is efficient in removing tobacco smoke, dust, pollen, and mold spores, animal dander and general indoor air pollutants, and for killing bacteria. 这两款产品在除尘,除异味,除烟雾和除甲醛,杀菌和杀病毒等方面有卓越的效果。

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