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After all, you can switch off the TV news and put on Dick Van Dyke.

After all, who wants to admit they have a 100 a day habit (e-mails, that is) or are somehow less alluring than a piece of hardware? 毕竟,谁也不愿意承认他们有每天收发100封电子邮件的习惯,或者承认自己竟然不比一部机器有吸引力。
After all, why go to the huge trouble and expense of relocating thousands of officials to a remote mountainous region, when there is a well-established political infrastructure in the port city of Rangoon? 许多人很困惑,为什么放弃存在良好的政治组织的仰光而动用重金把成千上万的官员安置到深山老林里?
After all, why not just wire the entire sensory system for high-resolution input and eliminate the need to constantly shift the eyes, star, or echolocation frequency? 说来说去,何不将整个感觉系统都装配成高解析度的接收器,就可以免除不断移动眼睛、星鼻或改变回声定位频率的麻烦?
After all, why would otherwise economically rational people spend thousands on a watch when one that costs only $10 tells time just as accurately? 毕竟否则为什么要花数千人在经济上是合理的,当其中一只手表成本只有10元,当时只告诉由于准确?
After all, you can hardly expect us to finance your sale promotion. 毕竟您不会期望我们为产品促销提供经费。
After all, you can switch off the TV news and put on Dick Van Dyke. 毕竟,你可以不看新闻而去收看迪克?凡戴克的节目。
After all, you don't get a sea lion to balance a ball on the end of its nose by nagging. 毕竟,要让海狮学会用鼻尖顶球,唠唠叨叨是办不到的。
After all,the whole point of computers is that they represent an extension of the human brain,vastly improved upon but nonetheless human,superhuman maybe. 归根到底,计算机的全部关键就在于它是人脑的延伸,虽然大为改进,可依旧是人脑的产物,或许可称为超人。
After all,the world is full of amazing discoverings,things you can't even imagine now.There are delicious,happy sniffs and scrumptious snacks to share. 毕竟,这个世界永远充满着值得去探险挖掘的事,一些完全超乎你相象的事,有着妙不可言、令人心醉神迷的香气,以及美味无比的点心与你分享。
After all: what is an image nobody wants to look at? 毕竟:什么是谁也不想看的图片?
After all…what could be more entertaining than watching the downfall of the high and mighty? 毕竟,世上最有趣的事莫过于看着权贵衰败。

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