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About 200 gas sellers in rural Vermont own pumps too old to compute the higher prices, causing some to shut their pumps when prices spiked above $3 after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

About 200 Islamic demonstrators gathered outside the courthouse where hundreds of police officers armed with water cannon were deployed to prevent possible violence. Demonstrations were peaceful. 法庭外面聚集了约200名伊斯兰示威群众,数百名配备高压水龙的警察严阵以待,以防止出现可能的暴力,不过示威活动是和平进行的。
About 200 Israeli police entered the compound after Friday prayers, firing tear gas canisters and stun grenades to di erse the protesters. 大约200名以色列警察星期五晚祷后进入清真寺大院,用催泪弹和眩晕手榴弹驱散抗议人群。
About 200 Israeli police entered the compound after Friday prayers, firing tear gas canisters and stun grenades to disperse the protesters. 大约200名以色列警察星期五晚祷后进入清真寺大院,用催泪弹和眩晕手榴弹驱散抗议人群。
About 200 boys and girls said they were willing to have a one-night stand if an opportunity arose. 大约200名左右的男生和女生说,如果有机会,来个一夜情也无妨。
About 200 foreign domestic helpers marked International Migrants Day by staging demonstrations against cutting their minimum wage. They got support from a number of local women's' groups and labour unions. 约二百名外籍傭工,趁今日是国际移民日举行示威,反对减低外籍家庭傭工最低工资。她们得到一些妇女团体及工会声援。
About 200 gas sellers in rural Vermont own pumps too old to compute the higher prices, causing some to shut their pumps when prices spiked above $3 after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. 在飓风卡崔娜重创美国、导致油价上涨到每加仑三美元以上后,佛蒙特州乡间约有两百名加油业者因为加油机太过老旧,无法计算更高的油价,只好关门大吉。
About 21 million Americans have type 2 diabetes, a disease in which the body does not adequately control blood sugar. 约2100万美国人身患2型糖尿病——一种机体不能有效控制血糖的疾病。
About 25 activists had set sail from Hong Kong Sunday with plans to protest Japan's claim of sovereignty over the islands - known as Senkakuin Japan and Diaoyuin China. 大约有25名活动人士星期天从香港乘船出发,计划前往日本称为尖阁列岛和中国称为钓鱼岛,抗议日本对这些岛屿宣称主权。
About 250 militants were killed during the daylong battle. 大约250名武装份子在这一整天的战斗中被杀害。
About 2KM the beacon and glide path were not working, the visibility was not correct. We were difficult to approach. 约两公里时导航台和下滑台不工作,能见度不准确。我们进场困难。
About 3 feet of snow and ice fell on the states, closing highways and stranding motorists. 大约3英尺的冰雪覆盖着这两个洲,令高速公路关闭,旅客滞留。

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