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We are called with increasing urgency to eradicate what he identified as the triple evils: poverty, racism, violence,he said.

We are already in the midst of a fiscal crisis and we have to face it squarely wielding our courage, resourcefulness and solidarity as a nation and people,she said. 她表示:“我们已身陷财政危机中,我们必须用勇气、智慧,以及国家和人民的团结,勇敢面对这场危机。”
We are asking the private sector to donate up to $1 billion over the next 10 years to help this park system be vital and strong, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our park system. 在今后10年我们向私人机构要求多达10亿美圆的捐赠来强大公园系统,庆祝100周年的纪念.随着我们市民的贡献,不论是基金会,公司还是个人,联邦政府都将好好利用这些捐赠.
We are awaiting offspring from the lynxes and camels. 科兹洛夫说:“我们眼下正在等待猞猁和骆驼产下它们的幼崽。
We are aware (Chelsea owner) Roman Abramovich can offer fortunes,he said. “我们都清楚阿布拉莫维奇的钱包有多鼓,”他说。
We are aware that the club suffered serious financial losses, but we also know that the return to Serie A will mean that there will be heavy investment in the squad. 我们明白俱乐部遭受了严重的财政损失,但我们也知道回到甲级将意味着球队会有重大的投资.
We are called with increasing urgency to eradicate what he identified as the triple evils: poverty, racism, violence,he said. 他说道︰「我们日渐紧迫的当务之急便是根除他所认为的三大罪恶:贫穷、种族歧视及暴力。」
We are catching up with Americans but are not nearly as open as the French, Italians and the Greeks,he said. 他说:“我们正在追赶美国人,但是还不能像法国人、意大利人和希腊人那样直白地表达情感。”
We are certainly better equipped to do well if we don't have those long-term injuries that killed a big opportunity for us to win the league last season. “如果我们没有那些长期伤患,我们当然可以更有能力做得好些,那些伤患抹杀了我们上季赢得联赛的机会。
We are completely transparent about our accounts - which is something that cannot be said for many of the top European clubs including, I would say, Real Madrid. “我们的帐务一直都是透明的,我敢说包括皇家马德里俱乐部在内的许多欧洲足球俱乐部都不能做到这一点。”
We are confident that their reputation and persuasive skills will come in handy for the municipal authorities to collect taxes from defaulters,said Bharat Sharma, a revenue officer. “我们相信他们的名声和口才会使政府机关向欠税者征税的工作易如反掌,”税务官员巴拉特·沙尔马表示。
We are continuing to assess the event, to determine the veracity of the claim made by the north korean government, that they conducted an underground nuclear test. 我们仍在继续评测这一事件,以确定北韩政府声明的准确性,他们声称进行了地下的核试验。

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