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The pedlar insisted on selling the apple of Sodom to the tourists.

The peddler tried to sell me some small articles. 那个小贩试图卖给我一些小东西。
The peddler was held up on his way home, and all the day's money was gone. (那个小贩在回家的路上被劫,一天的收入都被抢了。)
The pedestrian and the vehicles all depend on right walk. 行人和车辆一律靠右走。
The pedestrian, people crossing the road, are at the top, and are given first priority. 而在多数西方国家,情况与中国恰相反。
The pediatric clinic is proiding early interention for children and a place for students to get hands-on experience in their field of study. 这个儿科诊所正在为儿童提供早期干预,同时也提供给学生们一个在本专业领域动手实践的场所。
The pedlar insisted on selling the apple of Sodom to the tourists. 这个小贩非要把假货卖给这些旅游者。
The pedlar tried to sell me some small articles. 那个小贩试图卖给我一些小东西。
The pedosphere offers human beings and other terrestrial organisms resources and environment for survival and development.The paper elaborates the definition of soil environmental quality and the evolution process over the past 100 years.Focusing on the a 阐述了土壤环境质量的定义以及近百年来的土壤环境质量的演变,着重分析了土壤环境质量演变的诸多影响因素,并提出了土壤污染防治的对策。
The peeper of other's privacy should be accused. 偷看他人隐私的人要受到谴责。
The peer group has become television-oriented, and much of the time children spend together is occupied by television viewing. 同龄孩子都变得以电视为中心,他们很多相聚的时间都看电视所占用了。
The peer review coordinator shall maintain these metrics in a repository and produce periodic reports of summary data for practitioners and managers. 同行评审协调者应当在存储库中保存这些度量值,并生成阶段性的数据总结报告给实践者和经理们。

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