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To return to a previous example, there is no a priori reason why institutional meanings that originated in a hunting society should not be diffused to an agricultural society.

To my knowledge, no other animals are using silk for locomotion,said Stanislav Gorb, a biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Metals Research in Stuttgart, Germany. 斯塔尼斯拉夫·戈尔博说,在我们的认知范围内,没有其它动物会将吐丝用于行走.,他是德国斯图加特的马普学会的生物学家.
To play in Argentina has always been my dream,said Montero. It's a good opportunity in order to be more close to my family and the national team of Uruguay. “在阿根廷踢球一直是我的梦想,”蒙特罗说:“这是一个很好的机会和家人和乌拉圭国家队重聚。”
To portrait the early Christians reading their Bibles is to lie in the face of undeniable historical facts! They could not have told you what a book looked like. 把当初的基督徒描绘为读经的基督徒,简直就是渺视历史的铁证!他们还说不清一本书是什么样子的。
To pull a faceis an idiomatic expression. To pull a face愁眉苦脸是一个习惯表达法。
To restore the partial loss of organ function, stem cell transplantation therapies have been developed,they wrote. 他们认为此方法是首例仅用少量细胞就形成了整个器官。
To return to a previous example, there is no a priori reason why institutional meanings that originated in a hunting society should not be diffused to an agricultural society. 回到前一个例子:并没有任何先验的理由说明为何起源于狩猎社会的制度性意义不可被散布于农业社会。
To salute the sun for whom I must make way. “等待向太阳致敬,因为我得给它让路。”
To search survival by quality,try for develop with honouris always been our factory tenet since these ten years. “以质量求生存,凭信用谋发展”是我厂十多年来一贯追求的宗旨。
To set up a foundation in our college to help poor students was the brainchild of our sociology professor. 这个学生说:“在我们学校里成立一个帮助贫困学生的基金会,这是我们社会学教授想出来的主意。”
To settle downin this context means to settle down with your lover.This is used to give a sense of stability in the relationship. 在上下文中意思是和你所爱的人一起安定下来,让你们的关系增添稳定的因素。
To somehow sneak out with the win is a cool feeling,Woods said. “不管怎样,带着胜利离开是一种很酷的感觉,”伍兹说道。

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