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The results showed that the trophic lenel of Lake Taihu was in the transition state, from meso-eutrophic to eutrophic,of which the meso-eutrophic made up about 70% of the total are .The eutrophic and hyper-eutrophic waters accounted for 10% or so.

The results showed that the temporal dynamics of predatory natural enemy community in cotton fields could be classified into seven types and the change of the community could he divided into three major stages of formation and development period (in the v 结果表明,棉田捕食性天敌群落的时序动态可以分为7种类型;演变可以分为形成和发展阶段(棉花营养生长期)、鼎盛阶段(棉花营养生长和生殖生长并进期)、衰退阶段(棉花生殖生长期)3个主要阶段。
The results showed that the test arthropod community could be temporally divided into 4 stages i. e. , developmental, transitional, prosperous, and declining. 结果表明,影响枣园节肢动物群落时间格局的主导因子及时间格局分化较为明显。
The results showed that the top seven factors dominating new product development of small and medium enterprises are: leading and innovation strategy, application and reformation strategy, support and commitment of top management, developing and defense s 研究结果显示,影响中小企业新产品开发成功之前七大关键因素依序为「领先创新型策略」、「应用改良型策略」、「高阶主管的认同与支持」、「发展防御型策略」、「跨功能开发小组的建立」及「商品企划与商品企划审查」、「跟随模仿型策略」。
The results showed that the total coincidence rate between DIGFA and SAT and the coincidence on positive rate of detection were 99.88% (4003/4008) and 94.25% (82/87), respectively, and the sensitivity of DIGFA appeared to be higher in population with bruc 方法用已建立的布病滴金免疫测定技术检测不同职业和不同感染类型人员的布病抗体,并与布病试管凝集试验作平行检测。
The results showed that the toxicity of mixture of lead and zinc could be explained as antagonistic action, while the toxicity of mixtures of lead andcadmium, cadmium and zinc showed to be synergistic action. 结果表明:铅和锌共存时的联合毒性为拮抗作用,而镉和锌,镉和铅共存时主要表现为毒性剧增的协同作用。
The results showed that the trophic lenel of Lake Taihu was in the transition state, from meso-eutrophic to eutrophic,of which the meso-eutrophic made up about 70% of the total are .The eutrophic and hyper-eutrophic waters accounted for 10% or so. 结果表明,太湖营养水平处于中富向富营养过渡状态,中富面积约占全湖面积的70%以上;夏季富营养及重富营养水域出现在北部湖区的梅梁湖、五里湖和西部沿岸,约占全湖面积的10%。
The results showed that the two-line flax hybrid had significantly higher seed yield. 结果表明,亚麻杂交种和常规品种相比,具有显著产量优势。
The results showed that the ultromicro-pulverization method could not only keep natural ingredients of HLJDS, but also improved the dissolubility of geniposide and berberine, meanwhile compared to the conventional fine powder, their content increased by 2 结果表明,超微粉碎未改变黄连解毒散固有的药效学成分,可增加栀子苷和小檗碱的溶出量,在超声提取下超微细粉中栀子苷和小檗碱含量分别比细粉提高26.26%和37.07%。
The results showed that the various factors made their attitude of love and marriage and behavior principle changed greatly and the sexual behavior of the young unmarried female workers quite active. 研究结果表明,种种原因使城市外来未婚女青年的婚恋和性行为的观念发生巨大变化,导致这一人群的性行为相当活跃。
The results showed that the vegetation types made a remarkable effect on the soil nutrient content. 结果表明:不同植被类型覆盖下,土壤有机质含量为乔木>灌木>草本>农田>弃耕地。
The results showed that the viscosity and temperature of glass transition of carbon black/polyurethane were improved with the content of carbon black increase in the blend system. 随着炭黑含量增加,炭黑/聚氨酯共混体系的黏度增大,玻璃化转变温度提高。

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