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As forlorn minority shareholders in Yukos can attest, western investors would also benefit from property rights and decent courts in Russia.

As for your question, Article 77 of the UNCLOS stipulated that the coastal state exercises over the continental shelf sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring it and exploiting its natural resources.China\'\'s gas exploration is conducted in our coas 至于你提到的问题,根据《联合国海洋法公约》第77条规定,“沿海国可为勘探大陆架和开发其自然资源的目的,对大陆架行使主权权利”。
As for your second question, China has indisputable sovereignty over Diaoyu Island. 关于第二问题,中国对钓鱼岛有着无可争辩的主权。
As for your tongue-in-cheek part, I'd rather watch them compete in hufu than hanfu, at least the girls' legs are more visible. “对于你那讽刺那段﹐我宁愿看他们以胡服比赛了﹐起码女孩子的腿也可以见得更清楚。”
As foreign enterprises scrabble for the shareholdings of Chinese financial enterprises frequently and more and more domestic financial enterprises struggle to be listed overseas, the authors point out that improper introducing of foreign funds will cause 摘要本文针对近来外资频繁争夺中国金融业企业股权、国内金融企业争相排队海外上市的现象,指出金融企业引资不当,容易导致财富外流,危及国家金融安全,造成中国经济控制权的丧失。
As foreign media reports , dodges , in NAND of next year since Japanese Toshiba company has developed a new technology now to store market ,Samsung companies will be faced with larger pressure. 据国外媒体报道,由于日本东芝公司日前开发了一项新技术,在明年的NAND闪存市场,韩国三星公司将面临更大的压力。
As forlorn minority shareholders in Yukos can attest, western investors would also benefit from property rights and decent courts in Russia. 如果尤克斯的那些被遗忘的少数股东们能够上法庭做证,西方投资者也将能从财产权和正派的俄罗斯法院那里受益。
As fortune would have it, renowned guitar player Lloyd Maines had previously given Emily and Maines a demo tape of his daughter. 幸运的是著名的吉他演奏家劳埃德·梅因斯曾把他女儿的试唱带给了埃米莉和玛蒂。
As foundation of chromatography separation, chromatography models are very helpful for describing mass transfer and adsorption in this progress. 摘要色谱模型是研究色谱分离过程的基础,对于描述该过程中质量传递动力学和吸附过程具有非常重要的帮助。
As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. 16你们虽是自由的,却不可藉着自由遮盖恶毒(或作阴毒),总要作神的仆人。
As freshmen began a new life on university campuses this week, those from well-off families have been on shopping sprees while others with humbler financial resources were scrambling to pool enough money to fund fees and living expenses. 大一新生将于本周开始他们大学生活,家庭条件较好的学生忙着抓紧购物,而经济拮据的家庭还四处筹学费和生活费。
As friction is always present, it naturally causes losses in all types of machines, since because of friction; part of useful mechanical energy is lost in the form of useless heat. 由于摩擦总是存在,所以很自然,部分有用的机械能会因摩擦以无用的热的形式失去,所以摩擦使所有的机器均产生(能量)损失。

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