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The centimeter-gram-second unit of magnetic induction, equal to one maxwell per square centimeter.

The centerpiece was a gold sarcophagus with the symbol of the Macedonian king. 墓葬的中心是一座金棺,金棺上可以找到马其顿国王王权的象征.
The centers also support the client/server IT network, the company-wide intranet and customer-friendly Internet and e-mail applications. 这些中心还支持客户/服务器信息技术网络、公司内部网及便于使用的因特网和电子邮件服务。
The centers in a decentralized organization consist of investment centers, profit centers, and cost centers, each of which defines a particular area of responsibility in an organization. 分权制企业的责任中心包括投资中心、利润中心和成本中心,在企业内部,对每个中心都规定了特定的责任范围。
The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of current equal to ten amperes. 电磁安培厘米一克一秒电磁单位,相当于10安培
The centimeter-gram-second unit of energy or work equal to the work done by a force of one dyne acting over a distance of one centimeter. 能量或功的单位:厘米-克-秒,相当于一达因的力在移动一厘米时所作的功。
The centimeter-gram-second unit of magnetic induction, equal to one maxwell per square centimeter. 高斯电磁感应的厘米-克-秒单位,等于每平方厘米的麦克斯韦尔
The centipede didn't move, so the Master very gently said, Anyone who wants to thoroughly understand what all the Buddhas know, has to see that the nature of everything in the material universe is a product of our minds. 蜈蚣没动,大师轻轻地说,“任何人,想要了知佛陀所知道的道理,就必须明白,有形世界的所有事物本来都是我们意识的产物。”
The centipede slowly crawled out the window. The master's friend slowly crawled out from under his seat. 蜈蚣缓缓地从窗户里爬出去了。大师的朋友这时才敢从椅子下慢慢地爬出来。
The central administration of tourism shall consult with appropriate central government agencies to regulate management measures for licensees for application procedures, conditions, and term of validity, cancellation, revocation, and pertinent matters. 前项温泉取供事业申请经营之程序、条件、期限、废止、撤销及其他相关事项之办法,由中央观光主管机关会商各目的事业中央主管机关定之。
The central administration of tourism shall consult with appropriate central government agencies to regulate management measures of the qualification requirements and prerequisites, conditions, the term of validity, cancellation, revocation, types, and us 温泉标章申请之资格、条件、期限、废止、撤销、型式、使用及其他相关事项之办法,由中央观光主管机关会商各目的事业中央主管机关定之。
The central aim of this government is social stability. 本届政府的首要目标是实现社会稳定。

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