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1 Fluent with metal parts design, know well on cutting, cold extrusion, pressing and forging industy for metal parts.

1 Expiry date is clearly indicated and checked on material package of each lot. 对每批来料包装上之有效日期均清楚标示及作检查.
1 External and static variables are initialized to zero by default. Automatic variables for which is no explicit initializer have undefined (i.e., garbage) values. 外部变量和静态变量初始的时候默认值为零,自动变量在初始的时候是没有默认值的。
1 Eyepatch: for fathers who fly a lot, an eyepatch ensures them a good sleep even on airplanes. 眼罩:为那些经常飞各地的老爸.一副眼罩可以让他们在飞机上有个较好的睡眠.
1 Fixed protection/anchors should not be visually intrusive particularly where the climb is located next to popular walking tracks. 1固定支点不可过于显著而妨碍景观,若该路线十分接近热门的人行路线,则须要特别加以注意。
1 Fluent with chemical parts design, know well on plastic injection, rubber injection and painting industry. 1熟悉化工类零件的设计结构,具有丰富的塑料加工、橡胶加工、表面涂装等方面的工艺知识。
1 Fluent with metal parts design, know well on cutting, cold extrusion, pressing and forging industy for metal parts. 1熟悉金属类零件的设计结构,具有丰富的金属切削、冲压、铸造、锻造等方面的工艺知识。
1 Food is in the air the minute you step into Chinatown in Singapore. 你一踏进新加坡的牛车水,就会闻到食物的香味,弥漫在空间.
1 For each US $ 80,000 invests in Harbin, a foreign investor shall have one of his relatives settle down in the urban area of Harbin, but not more than 6 at most. 外国投资者举办的各类企业,在法律规定的范围内,可以自行决定用工方式、职工工资福利标准。
1 For example, fats in some foods like fish and nuts are considered good for human health. Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats. 举例来说,某些食物,如鱼和核桃,其中的脂肪就认为是对人体健康有利的。而不利于健康的脂肪包括饱和脂肪和转化脂肪。
1 For ships covered by the tonnage measurement interim scheme adopted by the IMO, the gross tonnage is that which is included in the REMARKS column of the International Tonnage Certificate (1969). 1对于国际海事组织通过的吨位丈量临时表格所包括的船舶,总吨位为包括在《国际吨位证书(1969)》“备注”栏中的总吨位。
1 Foreign-funded enterprises producing products for direct export, with the exception of the products not allowed to be exported, shall be eligible for an exemption or reduction or drawback in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Tax Law. 外商投资企业生产直接出口的产品,除我国限制出口的以外,依照税法有关规定减税、免税或者退税。

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