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[face=Verdana]if i placed my heart out on my hand, and my hand out to you, would you understand the words that are unsaid?

[color=yellow]Though Clemens completed a sharp six-inning effort against the Toledo Mud Hens, a Detroit Tigers affiliate, the fatigued groin nagged all week. 他对上隶属于老虎队的托利多水鸟队,从那时就被鼠蹊部伤势困扰了一整个星期。
[color=yellow]With Clemens scratched, Cashman said the Yankees conducted in-house discussions throughout the team's 11-6 loss to the Red Sox in order to hammer out a possible fill-in starter for Monday. 为了因应火箭人无法如期上阵,现金男也在洋基输给红袜之后进行球队会议决定周一可能替补的先发投手。
[color=yellowgreen][size=4]Perhaps they can seize our life, but forever cannot seize our freedom! 他们也许能夺去我们的生命,但是永远也夺不去。。。我们的自由!
[effect ion] the product is the best choice of the adult bedside game. 本品是成人枕边游戏的最佳选择。
[endif]-->My hand went completely numb. I couldn't feel a thing . 我的手完全麻木了,什么感觉都没有。
[face=Verdana]if i placed my heart out on my hand, and my hand out to you, would you understand the words that are unsaid? 如果我把心掏了出来放在手中交给你,你会不会听到那些我无法说的话?
[font=Courier New][size=2]Some simple measures can help put a muzzle on bad breath, according to an article in the June issue of the Mayo Clinic Health Letter. 《梅奥门诊健康通讯》6月号上刊登的一篇文章提到,有几种简单的方法可防止口臭。
[font=Arial][/font][color=blue]I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为与你在一起时,我变成了怎样的自己。
[font=Arial][size=3]I wake up, the judge is sentencing me to 30 years. 我一睡醒,法官正在宣布判我三十年。
[font=Arial][size=3][color=blue]Life is a gift we're given each and every day. 生命是一份我们每日都收到的礼物。
[font=Impact]Your support is the driving force of our struggle[/font] ! 你们的支持,就是我们奋斗的动力!

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