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At the present time, the field strength is decreasing. Again, the mechanisms driving all of this still not understood very well.

At the present stage, local governments play a key role in compulsory education, while central and provincial governments are dominant in higher education. 在现阶段,基础教育以地方政府办学为主;高等教育以中央、省(自治区.直辖市)两级政府办学为主,社会各界广泛参与办学的体制。
At the present time the higher vocational college education faces many difficulties, for example, students characteristic is uneven, total level is not high, the study positive is not strong and so on. 摘要高职教育面临着学生素质参差不齐,总体水平不高、学习积极性不强等诸多困难。
At the present time, a review about the appearance, the development and the performance of land equalization policy has been made. 本文对最近二十多年来均田制的产生、发展、施行等方面的研究成果进行了综述。
At the present time, improving the precision and the speed of STOD has become the primary content of study, however the rationality and the veracity of the STOD model are ignored. 目前,短期优化研究常侧重于提高算法的精度和计算速度,而忽略了短期优化调度模型本身的合理性和准确性。
At the present time, physics has progressed farther in this direction than other science, and, in seeking to give a brief account of the present state of the science of physics, it must be our aim not only to state the most important observed facts but al 目前,在这一方面,物理学比其他任何学科的发展都快,因此在力图扼要地描述物理这个学科的现状的时候,我们的目的不仅要介绍所观察到的最重要的事实,而且要阐明这些事实之间的联系以及其相互依存关系。
At the present time, the field strength is decreasing. Again, the mechanisms driving all of this still not understood very well. 目前,磁场强度正在减弱,此外,操纵这一切的机制仍然没有完全理解好。
At the present time, the running off of natural resources, the lagging behind of human resources exploitation, scarcity of conveniences, and deficiency of investment form the bottleneck which restrict the rural development. 但是目前我国农业自然资源流失严重,农村人力资源开发滞后,公共物品资源匮乏,农业投入不足,这些是制约我国“三农”发展的瓶颈。
At the present time, the visual communication designs in hypertext are mostly applied in the field of web design and multimedia design in Taiwan; however, systematic application of hypertext notion in typography is rarely seen, neither does the research i 摘要目前国内在超文本的视觉设计上,大多停留在网页设计或多媒体的设计上,至于有系统的将超文本概念应用在版面或编排设计上则不多见,更遑论针对汉字设计或汉字编排的研究了。
At the present time, there is a great deal of interest in the use of computers in education. 如今,人们对电脑在教育领域的应用给予了很大的关注。
At the present, the difficulty of community self-governing lies not so much in a weak basis as in the instability that may result from self-governing. 目前社区自治的困难不是自治基础薄弱,而是自治可能导致基层的不稳定。
At the present, urban agglomeration plans are being made in many cities and provinces. 我国许多省市正在编制城市群规划,出现了城市群潮涌神州的新局面。

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