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The complex at Barumini, which was extended and reinforced in the first half of the 1st millennium under Carthaginian pressure, is the finest and most complete example of this remarkable form of prehistoric architecture.

The completely uncritical TV commentary in frame 1 continues throughout the cartoon. 漫画第一栏中对布什没有一丝批判的电视评论一直贯穿于整个漫画。
The completion by Rockwell Automation of the extensive, five-step, application process saves OEMs time and money by eliminating the need for them to go back and certify the products themselves. 由罗克韦尔自动化完成这浩大的五步申请程序免除了OEM自个回去认证产品的必要,节省了他们的时间和资金。
The completion of a successful Operational qualification should allow the finalization of calibration, operating and cleaning procedures, operator training and preventative maintenance requirements. 一份完整的成功的运行确认应该包括结论性的校正、操作和清洁程序,操作者培训和预防性维护要求。
The completion of the mission was the crowning achievement of an 11-year, military-linked manned space program promoted as a symbol of national prestige both at home and abroad. 这次任务的完成,是一项经历11年、与军事相关的载人航天计划的顶级成就,这项计划被作为一个事关国家在国内外声誉的象征而得到促进。
The completion of the single market was set in train only in the 1980s and remains a work in progress. 原本计划于1980年代建立的单一市场,到现在仍然在进行。
The complex at Barumini, which was extended and reinforced in the first half of the 1st millennium under Carthaginian pressure, is the finest and most complete example of this remarkable form of prehistoric architecture. 这一坐落在巴鲁米尼的综合结构,由于受迦太基人的压力,直到公元1000年中叶还在修整和加固,是史前同类形式建筑中修建得最好和保存最完整的典范。
The complex consists of circular defensive towers in the form of truncated cones built of dressed stone, with corbel-vaulted internal chambers. 这一综合结构包括用修琢的石头堆砌而成的锥状环型防御塔,以及在塔内用梁托支撑成的套间。
The complex houses the graves of the emperor, his wife, and other royalty. 整个陵墓中包含了皇帝、皇妃以及其他皇室成员的墓穴。
The complex imagoes of the moon comes down in one continuous line of 《The Book of Songs》, and it greatly broadens the culture connotation and stature of poetry, enrich the artifice of poetry as well. 中国古代诗词中月亮意象的多元化,与《诗经》六义一脉相承,极大地拓宽了诗词的文化内涵和思想境界,也丰富了诗词的表现技巧。
The complex interaction between institutions and the mental constructs of the players together shape downstream developments. 制度之间复杂的相互作用和参与者的心智结构共同决定了经济的发展。
The complex is proposed to be developed into a vibrant cosmopolitan precinct with a strong feeling of contemporary landscape design in style of China Modern. 这样的综合性小区将会成为一个生动活泼的,国际多元化的区域,同时还可从其景观设计中感受到强烈的中国现代式风格。

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