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Answer: There does not exit any danger or sequela provided that you observe the appropriate directions.

Answer: The phonetic symbol is a very important part in English study, just like in our country every primary school student must learn Chinese phoneticize first. 回答:音标在英语学习中是非常重要的一个部分,就好像小学生一开始要学汉语拼音一样。
Answer: The space between a candidate and a television camera. 答:候选人和电视镜头之间。
Answer: The term comes with a 10% percent discount. 答:因为这个词可以给他们九折的优待。
Answer: The weight of the whole steel plate is 66.3 kilograms. 答:这块钢板的重量是66.3千克。
Answer: There are three branches, the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial. 答:三个部门:立法院,行政院,及司法部.
Answer: There does not exit any danger or sequela provided that you observe the appropriate directions. 答:按正当的使用方法及遵照使用方法,能量屋是没有危险性及后遗症的。
Answer: There is no difference to energy. However, as mass volume air convection reduces body temperature, sweat occurs later, so the duration will be prolonged and you may catch cold. 答:对能量而言并无差别,不过因空气大量对流,带走体温使发汗时间延后,当然使用时间就会延长,较容易着凉。
Answer: They know that as soon as they do, one of their adult kids will want to store stuff there. 答:因为他们知道只要他们一打扫完,他们的成年子女就会想把东西塞进去。
Answer: To some extent, a large vocabulary means good English. 问题1:是不是多背单词,英语就能进步?
Answer: When it's a frog! 答:当这个设计公司叫“青蛙”的时候。
Answer: When the solid line is on your side, you cannot pass. When the broken line is your side, you may pass if conditions permit. 当实线在你行驶车那边,你不可以爬头(超车),当断线在你那边时,当安全时你可以爬头(超车)。

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