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WSAENOBUFS 10055: An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.

WOVM involves multiple copies of a 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) being applied in covert and overt locations on the vehicle in the form of numerous (7,000-10,000) microdots. WOVM包含许多粒17位数字车辆辨识码(VIN),以许多微粒(7,000-10,000粒)的形式,被应用在车子的隐蔽和明显的位置。
WQ series submersible sewage pumps have been widely used in Taiyuan Sewage Treatment Plant, Jinan Xingji River Sewage Treatment Plant, Aksu Water-supply and Drainage Expansion Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Flood Control Pumping Station of S WQ系列潜污泵已广泛的应用于太原污水处理厂、济南兴济河污水处理厂、新疆阿克苏供排水扩建工程、湖北沙市电厂防洪泵站、上海申机能源工程有限公司、廊坊东方污水处理有限公司(国产设备样板工程)、石家庄市二环路排水泵站、衡水污水处理厂等城市的污水处理、给水排水等工程中。
WRA-Fluey Ring cleaner, green, the body is of micro-porous type, soft and elastic with special surface structure capable of absorbing flying floss, oil , moisture ,and static form rubber roller ,ring ,dent roller, metal duff, so as to keep up elements cle 清洁辊绒圈,绿色,本体为微孔层、柔软富有弹性、表面有峰谷,可吸附胶辊、胶圈,锯齿罗拉,金属道夫表面的微量飞花、油剂、水分、静电质等,从而保持元器件的结晶干燥。
WRC research encompasses several major topics: agriculture and water quality; lakes and rivers; safe drinking water; wastewater; and watershed management. 其研究主要包括以下几个方面:农业与水质;湖泊与河流;安全饮用水;废水和流域管理。
WSAEFAULTThe addrlen argument is too small or addr is not a valid part of the user address space. 我就奇怪了,难道全局变量的地址空间我没有权利访问?
WSAENOBUFS 10055: An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full. 意思上一说系统缓冲区不够或队列已满。是不是你端口开的太多了?
WSAETIMEDOUT, Connection timed out.The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again. 您要连结的网络服务器或网络可能发生故障。请稍后再试。
WSAINVALIDPROVIDER (OS dependent) Invalid service provider version number. 服务提供者返回一个不同于2.2的版本号。
WSA_INVALID_HANDLE (OS dependent) Specified event object handle is invalid. 应用程序试图使用一个事件对象,但指定的句柄非法。
WSA_IO_PENDING (OS dependent) Overlapped operations will complete later. 成时将得到此错误码,除非该操作已经完成。
WSDL is a document written in XML. The document describes a Web service. It specifies the location of the service and the operations (or methods) the service exposes. WSDL是以XML语言写成的文档。文档描述了网页服务。它指定了服务的位置并揭示了服务的具体操作。

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