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Different from both Kantian principle-based ethics and utilitarian forms of consequentialism, virtue ethics became an important issue in the field of modem moral philosophy.

Different experiences, dissimilar inspirations; accumulate to millions of kaleidoscopic lives. 不同的经历﹐相异的启发﹔累积成为千变万化的人生。
Different faiths, and we are in pursuit with a dream. 不同的信仰,我们追求同一个梦想。
Different fibers, of different thickness, of different twist, different colours, when paired with different arrangements of warp and weft threads, different spacing, different tension, create a wide range of plain weave textiles. 不同成份的纤维,纱线的粗幼,捻度,颜色,配合经纬不同的排列,密度,可创作出数不尽品的种种平纹布。
Different form antagonist that blocks the effect of agonist, inverse agonist produces opposite effect to that of agonist. 与阻断激动剂效应的拮抗剂不同,反向激动剂产生的效应与激动剂相反。
Different from before, this time was not my family or classmate whom I went together with, but the teacher and the colleagues that works together in the company. 这次与以往不同,与我同行的不是我的家人或是同学,而是在公司一起工作的师傅和同事们。
Different from both Kantian principle-based ethics and utilitarian forms of consequentialism, virtue ethics became an important issue in the field of modem moral philosophy. 摘要本文主要以专业伦理的教育为关切点,尝试从亚里斯多德伦理学的角度重新考察现代专业伦理的教学。
Different from known antipsychotics in structures and mechanism of action, novel antipsychotics with good potency and less side effects will start a new era in the field of antipsychotics. 指出新型抗精神病药物的化学结构和作用机制不同于已有的抗精神病药物,具有疗效好、不良反应小等优点,有望为精神分裂症的治疗开创新的局面。
Different from misunderstanding, Deliberate Misinterpretation is a pragmatic strategy applied by language users. 刻意曲解与误解不同,它是语言使用者的一种语用策略。
Different from other angiotensin Ⅱ receptor antagonist, telmisartan has the effect of modulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, and might slightly superior to other anti-hypertensive drugs in the treatment of hypertension. 与其他沙坦类药物不同,替米沙坦尚有激活过氧化物酶体增殖激活受体的作用,治疗中可能略优于其他降压药物。
Different from past policies, cities will be encouraged to construct and lease out low-cost housesfor minimum earners, officials said. 据有关官员介绍,与以往政策不同的是,新政策将鼓励城市建造一些廉租房,提供给那些处于最低生活保障线下的人群租住。
Different from past policies, cities will be encouraged to construct and lease out ‘low-cost houses' for minimum earners, official said. 中国官方发言人说,与过去的一些政策主要的不同点在于,城市将会被鼓励去建筑以及出租“低价格房屋”给低收入者。

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