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It will deal with the change in perspective imposed by scientific ideas, the general loss of a supernatural or religious perspective upon human events, and the effects for good or ill of the increasing authority of an intelligence uninformed by religion a

It will cost a few billion dollars, but that is chicken feed, for a project of this importance. 这个计划将花费几十亿美元,但是对如此重要的一个工程而言,这只是个零头[小数目<鸡食]。
It will cost about thirty minutes from Lingshan Resort to Yuantouzhu scenery and Meiyuan scenery by bus and one hour to the town center business district, also one and a half hours to the train station. 从灵山景区乘坐公交车到鼋头渚景区和梅园景区需要30分钟,到市中心商业区需要1个小时,到火车站需要1个半小时.
It will cover the school history, organization, and staff, the role of each family in NWCS, expectations for parents and students, etc. 这个座谈会将介绍北威的沿革,组织,人事,北威家庭担负的角色,及其他有关事项。
It will cover the school's history, organization, and staff, the role of each family in NWCS, expectations for parents and students, etc. 这个座谈会将介绍北威的沿革,组织,人事,北威家庭担负的角色,及其他有关事项。
It will create a new investment agency, which looks sure to diversify some of the central bank's assets out of the American Treasury bonds that now dominate its portfolio (see article). 中国政府将成立一个新的投资机构,看起来是要将中央银行持有的某些资产的投资进行多元化分散,目前美国国库券占据其投资组合的绝大部分。
It will deal with the change in perspective imposed by scientific ideas, the general loss of a supernatural or religious perspective upon human events, and the effects for good or ill of the increasing authority of an intelligence uninformed by religion a 本课程会处理的议题如下:科学想法所造成的观点转变、人类事物不再受超自然和宗教观点的影响、一个有智慧和无统整性的宗教当局,逐渐成为生活的指标,并对人类生活造成正面或负面的影响。
It will depend of the success of the first saga. 要取决于第一步的成功于否。
It will depends on the make, model, year, featues, manual/automatic, km of the car. I think you need to ask your questions in details. 大家好,很高兴在这里认识大家,我有个问题希望大家帮帮我好吗?在温莎买辆二手车(差不多的就行),需要多少钱?谢谢帮忙!!
It will do little to assuage Japanese concerns that Chinese imbibe hatred of Japan from a young age. 这并不会使日本在中国因为年轻人而仇日的问题上放心。
It will do us good to underline the points that the author emphasizes in his book. 阅读时在作者强调的论点底下划线,对我们会有所裨益。
It will doubtless rain on sports day. 开运动会那天多半会下雨。

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