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From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here.

From this, most young radio pulsars are inferred to have magnetic fields between 1012 and 1013 gauss. 从这个论点来推断,大部份年轻的无线电波霎应具有介于1012~1013高斯的磁场。
From this, we can explore their life experience and feeling and their spiritual stereotype deep in their unconsciousness. 借此也可以让我们一探古代文人士子们整体上对生命的体验和感悟方式及他们无意识中深藏着的精神原型。
From this, we know that the concept of name comes from God. 从这儿,我们明了取名字的这个观念,乃是来自神。
From those songs, the very best have been selected for this 4-CD box set, with the new title, Moving Through Twilight. 从这些歌曲中,最好的片段被入选在这套重新命名为灵光乍现4CD专辑。
From three aspects about province, municipality, autonomous region; Nine big economic zones; Three big economical regions, this article has discussed the spatial pattern on the Chinese transient population distribution and the regional net transient popul 从省、直辖市、自治区;九大经济区;三大经济地带三个方面,探讨了分布的空间格局及区域净流动人口分布的空间格局、引起的资金流动对区域经济发展的影响。
From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here. 自古以来该部落就把死者埋葬在这里。
From time immemorial, women have been able to breast-feed, bake bread, unload the dishwasher, help with Latin homework and call the plumber simultaneously. 从远古时代开始,女人们就能够同时完成哺乳、烤面包、洗碗、帮助孩子做拉丁文作业以及打电话叫水管工等多项工作。
From time immemorial, wood, fire, earth, metal and water are regarded as basic elements for the formation of the unierse and indispensable substances to life. 自古以来,木、火、土、金、水就被认为是宇宙组成的基本物质,是生命不可缺少的物质。
From time to time we do run special jobs, changing materials and colors for one particular order. But we have to consider many factors before we can accept the order. 本公司遇有客户特别要求,如情况许可,亦乐意加工变换有关产品的用料或颜色。
From time to time, I get a letter from my former student. 有时我会收到以前学生寄来的信。
From time to time, I looked up from my notebook. 我的目光不时地离开习字纸向上看。

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