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Strobilus (pl. strobili) A group of sporophylls (spore-bearing leaves) arranged around a central axis, found in gymnosperms, Lycophyta (clubmosses), and Sphenophyta (horsetails).

Strives for the unification, theindependence and the sovereignty, this is the happy root and thesource happy glory illuminates the motherland, will be prosperousforever to front! 争取统一、独立和主权,这是幸福的根和源幸福光辉照亮祖国,繁荣富强永向前!
Striving to be modern in appearance or style but lacking taste or refinement; pretentious. 做作地追求现代的力求具有现代样式或外观但不雅观或缺少品味的;自命不凡的
Striving to better ,oft we mar what's well. 好高鹜远常常破坏现有的舒适.
Striving to increase employment and improve social security work. (五)努力做好就业和社会保障工作。
Striving to overcome in argument; combative. 好争议的努力争取在争论中获胜的;好战的
Strobilus (pl. strobili) A group of sporophylls (spore-bearing leaves) arranged around a central axis, found in gymnosperms, Lycophyta (clubmosses), and Sphenophyta (horsetails). 球果:孢子叶向中轴聚拢形成的结构,存在于裸子植物门植物、石松亚门植物(石松)和木贼纲植物中(楔叶类)。
Strodel devours a small block of smoked cheddar from a row of samples a final reward after a 30-minute tour of Shelburne Farms that also includes a wagon ride through rolling pastures and a stop at the historic Victorian main house. 史特罗德尔在一排样品中一口吃下一小块烟熏切达乳酪,这是最终的奖赏,紧接在雪尔本农场的三十分钟参观行程之后,行程包含乘马车行经高低起伏的草原及拜访有历史价值的维多利亚式主屋。
Strogatz, S. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. 「非线性动力学与混沌理论」。
Stroke is a common and frequent disease that occurs abruptly and changes complicatedly. Previous literature showed that activating blood and dissolving blood-stasis is an important therapy for stroke. 中风起病急骤,变化多端,是临床上的常见病、多发病。通过对古今大量有关中风文献资料的整理和分析,进一步提出活血化瘀法是古今治疗中风的一个重要法则。
Stroke your partner's breasts, belly, and buttocks. 抚摸对方的胸部、小腹以及臀部。
Strokes have been noted to occur at an early age, with 8% of patients with sickle cell anemia affected by age 14, with 80% of these strokes resulting in complete occlusion of at least 1 major cerebral vessel (5). 研究表明中风多发生在疾患早期,8%的镰状细胞性贫血患者发生在14岁时,而这些中风的80%造成了至少一条重要脑血管完全堵塞[5]。

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