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Results The concentration for cobratoxin to produce agglutination reaction is above .0μg/ml in action with 0.EU/ml limulus reagent.
果 眼镜蛇毒与 0 . EU/ml鲎试剂产生凝集反应的浓度在 .0 μg/ml以上 ;

Results The MICs of Bazhen Qinglinshuan to Escherichia coli, Shigella sonnei, Salmonella typyi, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were 0.0 g·ml 、0.0 g·ml 、0.0 g·ml 、0.0 g·ml and 0.0 g·ml , respectivily. 果 八正清淋栓体外对大肠杆菌、宋内志贺菌、伤寒沙门菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和铜绿假单胞菌的 MIC分别为 0 .0 g· m l- 、0 .0 g· m l- 、0 .0 g· ml- 、0 .0 g· m l- 和 0 .0 g· m l- 。
Results The Millard approach produced more distinct scarring than modified Millard and Tennison approach. 果 Millard术式较改良Millard及Tennison法术后瘢痕明显 ;
Results The NO levels in the semina and serum from the pathogens infection of male infertility was respectively .μmol/L and 0.8μmol/L. 果 男性不育伴有病原体感染组精浆与血清一氧化氮的含量为 μmol/L和 0 8 μmol/L ,明显高于男性不育无病原体感染组与对照组。
Results The arerage attenuation value of muscle in 00 healthy adults was HU,while the musculi in the patients with PMD appeared atrophy,fatty degeneration and observable low CT attenuation value. 果  0 0例正常人所测肌肉CT平均值为 HU。 各型PMD的CT表现为肌肉内出现与肌纤维走行一致的条纹状低密度影 ,肌肉内斑片状低密度及肌肉明显脂肪化 ,肌束萎缩 ,CT值明显降低。
Results The average recovery of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid was 98. and 97.% (n= ) with RSD of .% and .89% (n= ),respectively. 果 熊果酸和齐墩果酸的平均回收率分别为 98. % ,97. % (n= ) ,RSD分别为 .  ,.89 (n= )。
Results The concentration for cobratoxin to produce agglutination reaction is above .0μg/ml in action with 0.EU/ml limulus reagent. 果 眼镜蛇毒与 0 . EU/ml鲎试剂产生凝集反应的浓度在 .0 μg/ml以上 ;
Results The concentration of calcium and copper in spinal cord in group B were significantly higher than those in group A ( P < 0.0 or 0.0 ), but magnesium and zincum significantly lower ( P < 0.0 ). 果 B组脊髓组织Ca、Cu的浓度较A组显著性升高 (P <0 .0 或0 .0 ) ,Mg、Zn的浓度则显著性降低 (P <0 .0 )。
Results The deletion rate of mtDNA in brain of young mice was nought (0/), but 0% (/8) in old mice. 果只中青年鼠脑细胞未检出mtDNA片段缺失,检出率为零; 8只老年鼠有只鼠脑细胞检出mtDNA片段缺失,检出率为0%。
Results The distance from nostril to ostium of sphenoid sinus was 0 9± 8mm; 前鼻棘至蝶窦口的距离为 0 9± 8mm ;
Results The frequency of genito mesenteric fold was %; 果 腹膜附加带的出现率分别为 :生殖肠系膜襞为 % ;
Results The hatching rates of colony oviposition in groups: the group in agitated water ( 7.%)> the group in knocked bason ( 7 .%) > the group in spurting water ( 7.9%) > the group brushed ( 0.9%) > the control group ( .%); 果 群体产卵分组孵化率 :搅水组 (7. % ) >击盆组 (7 .% ) >喷水组 (7.9% ) >毛笔刷组 (0 .9% ) >对照组 ( .% ) ;

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